Part 33

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Scarlett's POV

Flipping Hunter, hang on that's funny after what Archer just did, wait, important stuff, Hunter that idiot. We were having such a cute moment together, her little giggles really are the highlight of my day and then he had to go and startle her. The thing that is confusing me though is that this isn't the first time I have watched her flip someone like that, I mean she did it to Xanthi and she used to do it with the stunt guys on set all the time too. So why is she now having one of the worst panic attacks I have ever seen? She seemed fine after it happened a little dazed but I reassured her she was fine and had her securely in my arms, so what went through her mind that caused the rambling and panic attack that followed?

"I'm so sorry Hunter. I didn't know it was you. On the base, the guys used to cover my eyes as training to test my reflexes to see how fast I could flip them. It is a part of one of the games. I didn't know it was you I just acted before I could pay attention to your voice. I am so sorry. I am trained better than to miss the obvious signs of who is behind me. I have let all the guys down. I am so sorry. Please don't be mad at Mama, she taught me better. She is a good Mama. Mama, I'm sorry I hurt Hunter, I know I'm not supposed to hurt anyone, I didn't mean it. Please don't send me back to the base, I like there but I love it with you. Please don't send me away. Please, Mama. I'm so sorry." she started to ramble, but she just kept going and going and no matter how many times I tried cutting her off from "Archer, baby, breathe" to "Archer, you're ok" to "Baby, I'm right here" nothing seemed to be doing the trick. If anything she was just getting worse as her rambling continued although the words started to get further apart as she started to heave trying to get air into her lungs. 

It's terrifying watching her not hear me beg for her to breathe. I have no idea if she even knows I'm here right now as she pants heavily, tears streaming down her face as she continues to struggle. I had shifted her slightly so that she was laying across my lap, sort of like she was a baby and I was cradling her, in the hopes that rocking her while being in her sight would calm her down. It hasn't. "Mama" slipped past her lips as she continued to struggle to breathe, fear hitting me straight in the heart as I watched helplessly.

Remembering how I helped her when she was sick I stripped her of her hoody and t-shirt, pulling mine off swiftly before settling her against my chest, holding her head to my chest as I covered her ear and rubbed circles up and down her back, doing everything I could to keep her calm. "Shhh baby, Mama is here" I mumbled before thinking for a second and humming 'Stuck in a moment you just can't get out of' which seemed scarily fitting right now, but carried on regardless, singing it softly in the hopes of bringing her some comfort since it worked when she was sick. Slowly but surely I watched as her breaths started to even out, although she still seemed fairly out of it still. Poor thing is probably exhausted because she had fallen asleep before I had even finished the song, her hand gripping tightly to my bra strap while the other sat tangled gently in my hair, making me let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding.

"I am so sorry, I had no idea she would react like that" Hunter whispered, which almost had me jumping a mile, having no idea he was still here. I had kind of forgotten about him in my panic to help Archer. "Well flipping someone over her shoulder is fairly standard but the panic attack after isn't. She used to flip people as a game so she normally has fun doing it, I have no idea what caused her to spiral. Well obviously I do since she told us while rambling, but I had no idea she thought I could ever even consider parting ways with her. She is my life, I love her with all of my heart and then some. I could never send her away, ever" I whisper, flicking my eyes to Hunter before going back to watching Archer sleep, her little face looking so peaceful which was a pleasant surprise since she is normally chased by nightmares. "Still, I am sorry for my role in all this, that being said mind if I crash here tonight? I was hoping I could get to know my niece tomorrow by taking her for a jog around Central Park when she wakes up, just us two if that is ok?" He asks, making me glance at him nervously. 

Coming Home- Scarlett JohanssonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora