Part 23

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Scarlett's POV

She's here but she isn't. 

She is a prisoner in her mind and I hate that I can't free her. Especially because I know she will be torturing herself. I don't need to be a mind reader to know what she is thinking, Archer is predictable like that. She will be blaming herself, thinking she should have found a way to keep them here in Atlanta rather than going back to where ever it was they were. She forgets she is only ten and I hate that. Everyone, including her, expect her to act like an adult all the time, but she isn't an adult, she is just a child and there is no way she could have done anything to help the squad. But I also know I could say that until I am blue in the face and she would never believe me. I just wish there was a way for me to free her from herself.

She wouldn't even look at me as I pleaded for her to let me stay while she watched that video, but I had to respect her wishes, even if I thought they were stupid. L.C. Sheilds stayed with me outside of the door, an almost unnoticeable frown on his lips as he stared at the door as if he could see right through it. I think it's safe to say we are both equally worried about Archer right now. "The video is fifteen minutes and forty-three seconds long. If she isn't out in thirty minutes I am going back in to check on her. I know she thinks she has to be made of marble but she is a human and a child and this, this is devastating and she shouldn't be alone right now" he mumbled after a few minutes of silence, although I think he was speaking more to himself than he was to me. I could see in his eyes that he was in pain right now, he understands how Archer feels because he was part of their family. I want to offer my condolences, I want to tell him how sorry I am that this is all happening but words can't describe that and if they could it is Archer I would want to say them to, not that she would listen.

So instead I say nothing and pull out the letter L.C. Sheilds had passed me earlier. I was planning on reading it on the flight to England to pass time but I would rather focus completely on Archer and if she is going to be busy for the next few minutes, now might be the best time to read it. I know I need to read it. I need to understand how a man who had only really met me for a few hours could leave me his child for the rest of her life. I need to understand why he thinks I am worthy of taking care of someone as amazing as his daughter. But I am scared. Terrified to read what he has to say. I need to understand but I am scared.

My body moved while my mind continued to argue with itself, going back and forth over whether to read the letter or not. My back hit the wall, opposite the door dividing me from Archer, as I slide down it so that I was sitting on the floor, my knees coming up to my chest as I clutch the letter in my hands, staring at it blankly as I tried to figure out what to do. "He gave me that right before they left. He mentioned he wrote it last night. That girl in there was the light of his life, everything he did was to try and protect her so if he thinks you are the best person to look after her, then believe me there is no one better out there for her. He was an impeccable judge of character, which comes with the job, he could tell after one look if someone was good or not" L.C. Sheilds started, not taking his eyes off of the door as he spoke to me. I really should find out what his name is. Constantly calling him L.C. Sheilds feels weird and I don't think I have earnt the right to call him Tiger.  

"All of us can see the difference in her since she met you. She has never been a smiley kid, especially since what happened when she was five. She forgot she was a kid a long time ago, I think we are all guilty of forgetting how old she is. But with you, with you she is all smiles, she is carefree and happy. With you, Wolf gets to be Archer. She gets to be a smiley child again. I know this is a lot and no one will blame you if you change your mind about having her. But that girl in there deserves to be free, and I think you are the best person for that role. Not because you are famous or an amazing actress, but because you look at her like she is your universe. You see Archer, the fantastic ten-year-old, not Wolf the child soldier. She deserves to have someone like you in her life and all of us knew that. The squad were so thankful that she found someone like you, Mowglii was so incredibly grateful to know Wolf had someone like you always in her corner, said it was easier leaving her knowing that she would be safe and happy for a change." He continued, glancing away from the door for a minute so that he could look at me, his eyes holding such honesty that not even my deepest thoughts could find a way to doubt what he was saying.

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