Part 6

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Scarlett's POV

I had spotted Archer on her way out of her trailer when I went to go for breakfast and figured I would give her some space as she walked around with her headphones on, her head doing an adorable bob along to the beat of her music. When she turned the wrong way, I figured I better follow her before she ended up lost.

Good job I did since not even three minutes she stopped and started to just glare at the signs above her head; she had taken more than a few wrong turns, so she was for sure lost, but at the same time, there was a sign pointing in the way of the green room which is where we eat most of our meals on set if we have time to get away from the set.

At first, I was confused as to why she was glaring at the signs; I mean, what did they ever do to her?

Well, I was confused until I remembered our conversation at dinner last night, and it clicked. She was lost because she couldn't read the signs. No wonder she was so frustrated; she was lost in a completely new environment and couldn't even read the signs to find out where to go. Poor thing. I should have helped her from the get-go because, by the looks of her, she is more than a little frustrated right now. Still, at the same time, I figured she was so independent I was worried I would overwhelm her.

Turns out she could get overwhelmed all by herself, making me feel bad for not helping her before she got upset.

To say I was surprised by her reaction to me placing my hand on her shoulder would be an understatement; in fact, I am almost positive that if I had yelled her name a second later, I would have been flat on my back in front of her. While being funny, that would have hurt, I am glad I managed to catch her attention before that happened. Although I don't know why I found it so shocking, I mean, she has grown up bouncing around army bases, so it only makes sense she has some knowledge of self-defence.

That being said, based on the story she just told me, she may have more than some knowledge. Was it a little evil to use this information to plan a way to get back at the boys for all their pranks? Yes. Do I feel bad? No. Could you imagine Seb or Evans's face if Archer flipped them? It would be priceless, and they would never live it down. I mean, a tiny part of me doubts she could even do it since they are comically bigger than her. Still, from the story, she just told me I am leaning towards the side of her being able to do it.

All I know is I am for sure going to make sure I am filming when she tries.

I could tell she was glad I offered to show her the way to get food, her frustrated eyebrows relaxing slightly as I grabbed her hand to lead her in the correct way. That being said, I know something is bothering her because she was chewing on her lip continuously. I wanted to ask her to make sure she was okay, but at the same time, as I said, I didn't want to overwhelm her any more than she was already.

Archer had such a big day yesterday; I mean, she flew all the way here with a complete stranger and then she was introduced to a bunch of strange celebrities and went out to eat with them. She has so much going on. I don't want to say anything that could add to all the thoughts I bet she has running around in her head.

She is clearly deep in thought because the hand that isn't in mine is drumming against her leg as she walks.

"Are you ok, Archer?" I ask softly, pulling open the door to the green room where I know the rest of the cast are probably already eating their breakfast. I watched her closely, waiting for an answer, but I was starting to think she was too busy thinking to answer, which was okay, as long as she was ok, that is.

This seems to be the case when she simply walks through the door, dropping my hand as soon as she spots the breakfast bar, which is loaded up with all the breakfast foods you can imagine. At least the sight of that seems to break her from her thoughts as she smiles to herself as she rushes to grab a plate.

Coming Home- Scarlett JohanssonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя