Part 18

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Scarlett's POV

God that guy is lucky the police had him in custody or I would kill him.

Terror doesn't even start to describe what I felt when I ran into that bank. 

I mean hearing on the radio that someone was hurt and not knowing where Archer was scared me to my core, especially since Flo was in such a frenzy trying to get back to her. The scene I ran into took horror to a whole new level. Finding Archer standing there with blood gushing down her face just amplified what I was feeling by a hundred, something I didn't think was possible yet here I am. This is definitely not doing any favours for my blood pressure. There was so much blood, just streaming down her face, I mean it was practically running down her chin and onto the floor as she spoke to the cops. It was something out of a horror movie really and suddenly my terror was shifting to a mixture of worry and burning rage. More so range as I found not a single person tending to her injuries as the Captain spoke to her. 

They are lucky they stood down and let me get to her when they did or they would have been facing Black Widow rather than me. I am not a violent person but there is not a single thing I wouldn't do to protect Archer. As soon as she was within reach I had her pulled against me, desperate to feel her in my arms again. There is no way I am letting her go ever again. The next few hours kind of blurred together, from the police talking to us, to the drive to the hospital, to getting in countless fights trying to see that she was ok while I was denied seeing her because I'm not her mother. It was a rollercoaster that I definitely didn't want to be on.

I was just finishing up on the phone with Kevin, who had been giving me all the information for Archer's insurance when I noticed Flo and Lizzie had moved from beside me. Poor Flo was in pieces. She wasn't scared about what just happened, but guilty over what happened to Archer, which is typical. I mean I am fairly sure all three of us would have been the exact same and no matter how many times we both told her that Archer would have acted the same no matter who was in the bank with her, she just kept shaking her head and mumbling about it was her fault they were in the bank to start with. I am fairly sure the only person who could make her feel better is Archer. Archer has the skill to make anyone feel better with a single smile.

Speaking of Archer that is exactly where the other two have wandered off to, which I spot as I walk down the hall. Lizzie is standing now holding a smiling Archer, while Flo smiles softly at the pair, holding a pair of baby crutches I can only assume are for Archer. Guess it was a good job I mentioned she hurt her ankle then. As soon as I spotted them I made my way over, scooping Archer out of Lizzie's arms and into my own. This time I am seriously not letting her go. 

I could tell she was exhausted as she snuggled into me on the drive back to set, yet for some reason, she was fighting against sleep. I was sure she was going to be out of it the moment I sat in the back with her, just like she had been on the way to the store. Yet no matter what I did to try and soothe her into slumber, I could see her fighting to keep her eyes open. Her little bruised hand held the neckline of my t-shirt tightly as she snuggled into my chest, although she faced outwards, her head bobbling every so often as she kept herself on constant alert. I am fairly sure she is still on danger patrol right now and I have no idea how to help soothe her. So instead I just hold her slightly tighter, rocking her the best I can in the back seat as she continues to look around the car for danger. 

I hadn't even realised how late it was until we had made it to the car, it was already ten and I think it is safe to say we are all exhausted. It was three when we left set earlier and what should have been a quick trip to the store has turned into the sort of thing you only read about. As much as I try to spend the car ride back focusing on Archer and the soft music Lizzie put on, I can't help but let my mind run wild with all the awful things that could have happened to Flo and Archer today. It could have so easily turned into something so much worse than what happened and that thought terrifies me. Archer is ten and she took it upon herself to take down six armed men to save everyone. I don't care how she has grown up, or what training she has had, she should never and I mean never have had to deal with what just happened. 

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