Part 2

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Scarlett's POV

"Ah, Scarlett, just who I was looking for," Kevin calls out as I walk into his office, making me chuckle.

I mean, he is the one who sent an intern to come to find me, so I assumed he wanted to speak to me. "Now, I know this goes without saying, but what I am about to say is not to be repeated. Not only because some of it is a Marvel secret, but also because I don't want to make her uncomfortable by everyone knowing her life story; it's her place to tell the others about her life, not ours," he says cryptically as he motions for me to take a seat. He is cryptic at the best of times, but this is secretive even by his standards, which has piqued my interest.

"Now, we have a new cast member joining us today, and she is a bit different than our normal recruits. You see, AJ is only ten," he starts, catching my attention immediately. I know Marvel had begun to hire younger actors as of late, but ten is young, like really young, especially for an Avengers movie; I mean, they started Jett and Julian in a series at least first, so they had a little time to adjust, she is getting thrown right into a movie, a big one at that. "She is extremely talented, and we are lucky to have her on board. This will be her first time in front of a camera, but I am confident she will excel; she is a star in the making; I am confident about that. This is just the start of her time with us; we are hoping she will go on to play a big role in the MCU as she grows up," he continues, which is high praise from Kevin, high praise indeed. This really is interesting.

"So I assume her parents or someone are coming with her, or some form of guardian?" I ask, wanting to know if maybe she was the daughter of someone famous or something, and that is why she is different. Got to love a nepotism baby. Not. I hope she isn't some entitled brat; that is the last thing we need on set. Although judging by Kevin's praise, she must be somewhat talented.

"Well, um, no. She is coming by herself," Kevin continued, making me frown. Now, that isn't right. I swear they have to have someone accompany her for legal purposes or some shit. I mean, Lizzie said Jet and Jullian always had someone with them when she filmed with them, so why would this newbie be any different?

"You see, her father is a Major in the British Royal Marines and is currently deployed on a mission. Originally, he was supposed to be back before filming, but it has been pushed back longer, and they're unsure when he will be home, but they do know it will be after filming starts. He and his squad are the only people that AJ has. While he is away, she stays at the military base. Now, it took a lot of work with legal, and the contract isn't even officially signed because of all this. But we have made it work, and as long as she stays on set or only leaves with a member of the team and whatnot, she is fine to be here unaccompanied," he explained, making my heart hurt a little for this girl.

She is so young and is about to play a character in the most prominent film franchise in the world, and she is doing it alone. Judging by the tone of this conversation, she has a significant role in this movie as well. Not to mention, all she has is her father; she has to live knowing he is constantly in danger. It must be really hard for her. Poor girl.

"Now, the reason I am telling you all this is that AJ will be playing Dominika Petrov, who is essentially adopted by Natasha during the course of this film, which means you will have the most scenes with her. Now, because of her situation with her father, we have ensured her and him that she can stop during any scene to take his calls. So, I wanted to let you know because this could impact you. I know it can be annoying to take unscheduled breaks and interrupt your flow, but it is impossible to have a firm call schedule in place due to where he is and his line of work. So it is important to us all that she can talk to him when he is available," Kevin said, making me instantly feel for her. Poor girl can't even know when she will speak to her father.

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