Part 20

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Scarlett's POV

What in the hell is going on? Can Archer not catch a break for just a day? I mean three soldiers on set must be for her right? Maybe she has more family she just hasn't mentioned yet? Although if that was the case why does she seem so upset to see them? Surely she would be happy just like she was when the others turned up last week. This is not a happy Archer, I know a happy Archer. She is my favourite thing in the world and this is not it and it breaks my heart.

Poor Archer is having a rough few days. I mean yesterday was difficult for obvious reasons, her family went and then she was in a cart accident and then a bank robbery. I mean you can't write stuff like that let alone live it. Then last night she found it hard to fall asleep and I honestly have no idea how many times she was up with nightmares, although I was pleasantly surprised to find her fast asleep when I woke up. Unfortunately, because of this, she is a little bundle of energy today, not that I minded, but I could tell she does. Which breaks my heart. She can't even be herself, without being scared she is annoying anyone. 

I just tried my best to support her as she tried to self-regulate, honestly not minding that she was poking my cheek and talking so much. She was soft and gentle each time she poked me and it has sweet that she was enjoying being close to me, I didn't mind at all. As long as Archer is happy I am happy, it is that simple. I did mind some of the things she said during her rant though. Like I never knew she felt second best in her father's life, if Oscar knew she felt that way he would be crushed that is one thing I am sure about. I also made a mental note to make sure we all go to the beach when we go to LA since that is clearly something she is desperate to do.

Then there was that asshat who had the audacity to tell her to shut up. I mean what is wrong with people? She is just a kid and wasn't hurting anyone. She just doesn't know what to do with herself today since she is well-rested and unable to work out. If talking a lot and poking my face helped her then she can do it all day every day for all I care, and that guy can kick my ass. He is lucky I don't know who he is or I would express my distaste over him to Kevin. It broke my heart how she froze and then fell into herself at his words. I could see the doubt in her eyes, I could practically hear her telling herself off in her mind, worried she had been annoying. I hate that she is clearly terrified of annoying people. I hate that some people in her life have made her feel like this. I want to find them all and beat them with a stick, starting with Xanthi.

All of that, that is what proves Archer is having a rough time. Yet she never cried or kicked up a fuss. She never raised her voice or looked angry. It was like water off of a duck's back for her. She took it all with a pinch of salt. She was so incredibly brave and calm through it all. So who are these men standing with Kevin and why is she freaking out so much? Because six armed men had her calmer than these guys do right now. 

"No" she kept mumbling, backing away from her trailer as they all gave her sorry looks. The man in the middle moves closer. I have no idea who he is but after everything that has happened as of late, I found myself moving to stand in front of Archer, protecting her from someone she clearly doesn't want to be around. Although one look towards Kevin had me questioning if that was the right move. "It's ok Scarlett, L.C Shields here is a good friend of AJ's" he called, motioning for me to step out of the way. Now that I look at him he is just like I pictured. Which was pretty much Gibbs from NCIS.

Oh shit. If this is L.C. Shields and he is here right now it doesn't take a genius to know why Archer is freaking out right now. Please don't be here to say what I am starting to think he is going to say. Please don't let him be here to destroy Archer's entire world.

Moving aside I let L.C Shields get closer to Archer, although I stay close to her. If he is about to say what I think he is there is no way she is getting out of arms reach of me. There is no way I am letting her think for even a second that she is alone. I watch with cautious eyes as the older man kneels in front of her, a look of sorrow in his eyes as he looks at the ten-year-old. It looks odd. He is clearly a high-ranking officer, clearly used to not kneeling for anyone, and is definitely used to hiding his emotions. Yet here he is kneeling in front of Archer, with tears lining his eyes. There is not a single doubt in my mind over what he is about to tell her. No matter how hard I fight it I can already feel my own tears starting to build in my eyes as I take in the scene. This is the moment it all falls apart.

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