Part 32

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Archer's POV

I didn't mean to be naughty. It's just after I woke up from my nap I couldn't think straight, I just felt like I had to run around or I was going to explode and I didn't want to risk exploding on Mama, she doesn't deserve that so I figured this was better even if it meant I get in trouble. That being said when I saw how disappointed Mama was when I finally calmed down I felt awful. I hate that I did something that upset and made Mana angry. Why do I have to be a bad girl? I didn't want to be. Why can't I be normal and control myself? It's not fair.

When Mama explained she wasn't mad just worried I felt even worse, the guilty bubbling up in my chest, especially since I knew it was naughty to run around in the airport and did it anyway. So I was beyond thankful when Mama gave me cuddles. She always knows just what I need, even when I don't know what I need. I don't understand why I can't control my brain. I just want everything to slow down, it's just all so fast so often and it's too much. When I'm with Mama things go quiet for once and I can finally breathe. She slows things down for me. Mama is like my own anchor, she ties me down so that I don't float away into the endless swirls of the ocean in my brain. She keeps me sane.

I don't know how long Mama held me, the two of us just cuddling on the floor in the middle of the airport but eventually, everything was still again. All the loudness had been replaced by the beat of Mama's heart, a trusting lup-dup to remind me that there was tranquillity within the constant chaos that is my mind. Slowly but surely I could feel Mama easing me out of our own little planet and back into the real world. She was always so patient as she did it, the same way every time which I loved because of routine, duh. First, she would draw little shapes between my shoulder blades, lightly reintroducing me to feeling, then she slowly moves her hand from covering my ear to playing with my hair, putting the stray strands behind my ear before she braids and rebraids a small section lightly. Then she waits until I am ready to open my eyes, but whenever I do she looks down at me with her signature smile, the smile that holds so many promises, but mainly the promise that she will always be there. She then waits until I have been playing with her necklaces for a while before she kisses the top of my head and says "hey baby". She does the same thing every time and I love it.

 "Sorry, Mama" I mumbled now that I feel calm again, although I get confused when she frowns at me softly. Oh no is she still upset with me? "You don't ever have to be sorry for getting overwhelmed, baby" she explains softly making me feel calm again, good I don't think she is upset with me. Although that isn't the reason why I was apologising so I just shook my head slightly, which seemed to confuse Mama. "No, I'm sorry for being naughty and running away and then playing on the belt. I knew I wasn't supposed to but I did it anyway. I just had too much energy" I try and explain, which earned me a hum from Mama as she holds me slightly tighter which has me fully calmed down all over again. I firmly believe there isn't any issue that Mama's cuddles can't fix. Mama gives me an extra squeeze before she stands up again, keeping a hold of me while she does so, which I appreciate since the airport is still feeling a little overwhelming right now. "That is ok, just try and let me know next time when you feel like that and I can help you release your energy in a safe way. I know you can't help it when you get zoomies, it's ok. I promise" Mama explains softly, smiling when I hum, placing my head against her shoulder as I try not to let myself get overwhelmed by all the noises and people in the airport.

"Right, now that that is all done, Archer, baby, I would like you to meet my brother Hunter. Hunter this is AJ" Mama introduce, pointing at a man who I only just realised was standing right by us. I guess I feel so safe with Mama I forget all my training and sometimes miss things now, which I feel conflicted about. I think it is a good thing though. Anyway, this man, who is apparently called Hunter is currently grabbing our bags. At the mention of his name, his head snapped up, a smile on his face as he waved at me. He has a kind smile, it looks a lot like Mama's, I am getting a good vibe from him. 

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