Part 5

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Archer's POV

Daddy managed to talk to me for nearly two hours last night, which is a record for him.

Typically, something goes wrong after thirty minutes, or it is unsafe for him to keep the line going that long because they could get traced, or worse, I could get traced and become a potential target.

But last night was an exception, apparently, and I loved every second of it; it was the most we have talked since he left, and it was especially nice to hang up mutually rather than go into a state of panic because he had to run off a fight. The only thing that could have made it better was if I got to see the others, but unfortunately, I couldn't because they had all gone into the town they were by to get supplies.

Daddy was in some sort of apartment, by the looks of it, so he had clearly moved from the jungle he was in last week, so at least he was in a more comfortable environment. He skipped around his black eye the best he could this time, though. Daddy did assure me that Newt had patched him up well, and that is all I should worry about, but that just added to my worry. He usually tells me a very vague reason behind the injury, like 'lucky shot' or 'I was slacking and got clocked', but this time, he didn't tell me anything about how he got it, and that made me feel like something was off.

This mission just feels different to his past ones, not just because it's longer, but because he seems... scared almost.

I could see it in his eyes, and that was a lot scarier than him having a black eye or a cut. He usually is never scared. I mean, I have seen him through all sorts of wars and missions, and I have never seen the look in his eyes before. So what on earth is he doing this time that has that look of worry so deep in his eyes he can't hide it, especially from me?

The idea fills me with unspeakable dread, and a massive part of me wants to beg and plead for him to come home, but I know I can't do that.

He needs to focus, and I can't distract him.

Not to mention, Scarlett is right next to me, and she doesn't need to witness me begging my Daddy to come home; she will think I am some sort of massive baby. Although I have worked out that Mr Kevin told her about my family. I could see it in her eyes the moment we met. The look of pity that people have when they know your only family is overseas fighting in a war they may never return from. It is a look I am used to, but that doesn't mean I like it; in fact, I hate that look.

But with Scarlett, I think I will tolerate it, mainly because she has yet to baby me or ask how I am holding up; if she does that, my patience may thin, but only time will tell with that one.

Both Daddy and I spent our time together, filling each other in on what had happened in the last week since he hadn't managed to ring since he cut out on his call with Kevin. I even got a chance to introduce him to Scarlett, and they both seemed to talk about how amazing I was. I mean, I am, but they don't have to spend so long saying that I am in front of me; that is just embracing, especially since I literally met Scarlett a few hours ago, a fact I find myself quickly forgetting since I feel so comfortable around her.

Scarlett even promises to look after me until Daddy comes home, which seemed to make him relax, even though I insisted I could look after myself; I mean, I have eight different black belts plus more training than most combat soldiers get. I am the most prepared and qualified ten-year-old there is when it comes to looking after myself.

Daddy seemed to like Scarlett, which is good because I want her too. She seems kind, and she really helped with my panic attack earlier. I usually deal with them by myself since Daddy isn't typically around, and I hate asking for help from others.

Still, it was nice having someone around to ground me. Plus, a fun fact: Scarlett gives excellent hugs. I didn't bring the panic attack up to Daddy during our call. I had promised him when he left that I hadn't had one in a while, which was true; the day he left, I hadn't had a panic attack. I just left out that after he left, I had one, and the night before he left, I had one.

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