Part 27

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Scarlett's POV

Archer has been working so incredibly hard lately. Since we came back from England she has done anything and everything to try and prove to everyone else that she is fine. It's only when we are in the safety of the trailer that she will admit she isn't ok. I have tried to explain to her that everyone on set understands and that there is no pressure. Everything can be at her pace. I mean Kevin offered to push back her filming so that she had some more time to process, but she was adamant that she wanted everything to be normal. Kevin didn't seem convinced but I explained to him that she really did need this because it kept her mind busy and active and he agreed. Although since we started filming I haven't failed to notice that he pops in on set most when she is filming. It's cute how much he cares for her.

I am so mad at that idiot teacher right now. Kevin had found her, she is supposed to be trained specially to help children with learning disabilities, to help kids like Archer. Yet she was calling her things such as dumb and stupid. It makes my blood boil that she could say those things to my baby. Not only is that woman out of order but with everything Archer has survived she doesn't deserve anything to make her life harder. That woman knows about Archer's family, Kevin had explained everything, yet she thought it was appropriate to say such awful things to Archer, to treat her like she is anything less than perfect. I hate that someone could say stuff like that. I hate that she didn't even think to tell me because she thought that is how teachers are supposed to treat her. It just... it really makes me mad. Because Archer is perfect and deserves to be treated as such.

Once we got to the lake I think it fully hit me that she is doing some big stunt sequences today, that some of this stuff could be dangerous, such as her doing all this work in the water, which lead to me spending twenty minutes asking pretty much everyone if they were sure this is going to be safe for Archer, while she got changed into her little cargo pants and army top thing, which she looks so adorable in I can't. Anyway, I could tell I was annoying her but I just couldn't help but pace as I asked her for the hundredth time if this is all going to be safe. I know everyone else has explained that it's safe, but no one has even told me what she is doing so how could I really believe that? I couldn't.

Hearing Archer tell me exactly what was about to happen when she got in the water helped a little. I mean hearing that she was going to be spluttering around and pretending that she might be drawing doesn't exactly make me feel good, but she did have a fair point. I have seen her in the water myself, I watched her doing water training twice during our week on the base and she is a natural in the water so I guess she will be fine. Plus there are so many of us out here that if anything did happen there will always be someone close enough to help her. So when she asked if I was going to come with her I just settled into her chair, figuring I wouldn't be much help to her out on that boat because I am probably just going to panic and distract her. Heck, she is more likely to save me out there than I could save her out there so I am probably better off here out of the way.

I am so glad it is warm today, although I am worried she is going to get sick. I mean she is going to be in and out of the water a lot, in clothes that are going to be wet and cold. I swear if she gets a cold, I am not going to get pleased. Something tells me that Archer is not an easy kid to look after when she is sick. Mainly because she refuses to admit she ever needs help or that anything is ever wrong.

So I may have overreacted slightly with all my ranting. I should have known Archer was too good to let anything happen while she worked. I couldn't see much since they were a little way out, to make it look like she was in the middle of some body of water, but every now and then I could hear a bunch of splashing, which I assume is her breaking the surface of the water and spluttering around. She was only out there for about forty-five minutes before the boat was returning, although Archer wasn't on it. I should have known she would pull this crap and insist on swimming to shore. As mad as I wanted to be over how stubborn she is, a part of me is glad that she is still in the water, hoping that decreases her chance of getting ill. 

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