Chapter 49 : Play With Danger

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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕

Once everyone have arrive they were right away escorted at the garden where Rafael along with Dylan and Ryxen who was currently lecturing two kids...

Andrea take a sit beside Dylan followed by Oliver and Zynnia...Jasmine was also there with Liam and Lewis...After a few minutes the twins had also come for a visit but with Mason and the Young Miss Rafaela...

Maids start preparing for a little picnic near a pond in the middle of the forest behind where the mansion stand...It was a nice weather to hang out...And others had quite fun....

Athena and Crown Princess Ariel and the first Prince was also escorted in the place by Calisto when the two arrive...Both were to greeted by the others...But Ryxen didn't bath a care since he was still lecturing the two kids...

"Have you already thought about the theme?..." Athena ask as she assist Ariel on taking her sit next to Jasmine before she take a sit next to Mason....

"Ahh...I was planning on Blue and Black..." Rafael reply as the other look at the two wondering when did the two get close...As for Andrea and Dylan who become silent in a while...

"Hmm...Not bad...But I want it red..." Athena reply back as she take a sip of her tea still focus on their discussion as they ignore the stare of others...

"Don't ask for my opinion if you already decided it...Though I won't mind keep it... I'll ask the designer about the look..." Rafael speak petting Ruki in his lap...And take a bite of the biscuit

The chat continue while the others quietly listen...Still watch ach of the two give comment of some unknown event... Yet Andrea and Dylan still remain silent...

"I apologies but...What seems to be the event for you two to start talking like you were so close..." Zynnia then ask as he gently fanning her fan which make Rafael and Athena look at the others...

Acknowledging their now presence the others wait for the two answer...But Rafael didn't want to answer which lead for the other to stare at Athena who look back at them...

"A very special one though it was not yet to be reveal...Not until the grand ball of the graduation arrive..." Athena then cheerfully exclaimed flashing a smile to the others...

That was clearly not satisfied at ger answer though they didn't push any farther...Rafael gaze wonder around only to notice the presence of Ryxen missing...

"There is a fish pond...Do say...Why not we catch as fish??.." Dylan then recommend as the others look at him... It was indeed a nice weather and it would be pointless if they didn't spend it well...

Their butler bring them a fishing rod... Though Rafael scold Dylan on moving so much even if the Prince was still recovering...And with that Dylan was force to just watch the others...

Andrea wasn't a fan of fishing so she didn't join...Ariel choose to stay behind as for Athena who rather choose to used a bow and arrow than a fishing rod... Jasmine accept the offer...

Though she was assist by Mason who take the fishing rod from her hand... Oliver was also up into the challenge as he also grab a fishing rod...Lewis declined and decided to just watch Liam lose...

Ryxen on the other hand return back to the mansion to deal with someone...
Signing a lot of papers...His butler had enter his office carrying a letter...Which Ryxen notice right away...

"My Lord..." The butler hand the letter... As Ryxen dismissed him...With a sigh Ryxen walk into the big window behind him...Taking a glance at the forest that keep their location hidden....

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