Chapter 15 : The Unique Way

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𝐀𝐦𝐢𝐞 𝐏𝐎𝐕

Another normal day, what happened yesterday was not as I plan but it might help me to attract the attention of other capture target not to mention my be loved Crown Prince...

Thanks to the annoying second prince and those who said that I save the day now everyone think Im a hero which is true in this life I will always be the hero...

And no one cant even figure out how I do it...What a pathetic stepping stone to my way of being a future wife and ofcourse a queen...All I need is to keep this figure... And make them look up on me as if I we're also a god send by heaven....

But although some of them is acting weird specially that Rafael...But doesn't matter I still can use him... He was just like as he was supposed to be nothing change a shield and a bate and also... Ofcourse my puppet...

Pity him... I dont even give a damn about his life either he die or get to blame by many time because for sure All I need is a crocodile tears to make him do it all again... Pathetic indeed...


Ohh that must be it...Ohh well have to head in the meeting room...where I can view all of my admirers and ofcourse them...Ohh and a little surprise for me...Lord Mason is also here...

Sadly the two bitch are also here...The Head Master cancel their punishment unlike what happened in my last life but I can also take this to make sure that every single student despise them

"Lady Amie over here" Some students wave their hand as I smile at them and walk as we sit in the floor well some commoners does but those novel si in a chair...I also wish to but, just to keep the kind profile...

"Thankyou Mia" I said as I smile at her...well she is my now only friend and the rest is a stepping stone...She was often bullied because of her dark skin...But I found it unique and beautiful of her...

I never get a chance to even say this to her in my past life for she avoid me when ever I approach her...To her novels like me are enemy but I manage to earn her trust...

Anyway as I was now talking with the others the door slowly open and entering is Professor Renz with his students there I see the fiance of the second prince and also the fiance of Lord Marco...why do it has to be them

"Everyone sit in the second row" Prof. Renz order as they obey once everyone is sitted a few silent before the door once again open revealing another professor that doesn't look familiar...

I guess the Owl is not in the my group couldn't be happier than before without him I can now make the two witch life like hell...First of course make them jealous though Prince Dylan is not here...

Doesn't matter I did humiliated them in the past life why can't I just do it here too...And I know how too...Just wait a little longer..

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕

While some class group are start planning for thier own presentation while Rafael groups have problem for their group had only two class not to even mention that he was group with someone he hated to even see...

As Professor Luke and Professor Yuan tried discussing the situation some students decided to chat with each other...unlike other groups the group of two professor had a wide space for chairs and table for each 7 students...

As other happily chatting with their friends or peers a one group of students that is sitting in a one circle table in the corner of the wide room next to the big windows, somehow give chills to students near the group some send them death glare some with disgust and other are hateful...

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