I will be fine

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This part of the story is continued by Miss Aesira Auclair

Guess what I did? I forgot this journal.
And fucking Louis gave it back to me. I don't even wanna think about what would have happened if he had read it.

Thankfully, as the gentleman he is, he didn't.

'Yeah, um, thank you for returning it to me.' I muttered.

'If it isn't rude of me to ask, what is the purpose of this journal?' He asked, somewhat hesitant.

I almost choked.

'Oh, it was a school project actually I just ended up enjoying it as it helped me right down my ideas and store them in one place so yeah. I guess it stuck.' I try to smile but it comes out as a wince.

It wasn't a total lie either.

'You write?' He asked, curious.

'A bit.'

'Well I want to read something by you then.'

'Are you a fan of reading?'

He laughed, pure melodious laugh, his head back his green eyes crinkling at the corner.

I suppressed a shiver.

'Of course! That's what's kept me sane over the years.' He shook his head as if I should've known it.

I didn't know how to respond. I remember telling Anna once that I would marry the first guy who would tell me that he reads.

I guess you'll have to marry Mr Prince now.

No no no. Shut up.

'What do you read?' I ask

'No tell me what you read.'


And that's how is spent the rest of the evening, not studying or training or frantically fussing over that stupid fainting thing that happened three nights ago, just talking with Alastair damn Lovis about books.

Him of all people.

It's funny how much people change when you actually take the time to talk to them, to sit and see what they see.

Oh yeah that fainting spell thing. Yeah something is wrong. I want to tell Lovis because I should and I don't wanna be stupid just in case something bad happens and no one knows what the fuck is going on.

I should write a letter to Felix, but I don't want to inconvenience him. He was just here and what if he gets angry with me for interrupting his job.

But I should tell someone about it, and Lovis is my best bet. The only one who is here and knows about my condition. I tried to tell him but got interrupted.

So I will go today after wrapping this up and doing some essay writing.
Get this off my chest and then I'll be fine.
I will be fine.

Hi my non existent readers!
So yes my mood is good that's why another chapter. But don't get your hopes up I do have commitment issues. But I will try to sort this ridiculous writing into some semblance of a story.
Till then,

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