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This is the conversation that happened in Head Trainee Grey's Office, from the Point Of View of Prince Alastair Richard Lovis:

Auclair entered Grey's office, a nonchalant expression plastered on her face.
If I said I was surprised to find out that she had such a rare ability or gift, I would be lying.
The moment I saw her reveal, I knew there was something different about her, something spectacular.
After all, she was an Auclair.
'Good evening Trainee, Lovis.' She said nodding her head in my direction.
'Good evening.' We both murmured back.
'Please take a seat.' Grey told her, and she sat beside me.
'Miss Auclair, you must be wondering why you have been called at this time. Well, I am ecstatic to inform you that we have found your special ability. And it is elemental control.' Trainee Grey explained, smiling.
Auclair, as she should, looked confused.
'I am sorry, but yet again, I have failed to understand what you have just informed me.' She rose her eyebrows.
She knows how to talk.
'Oh, yes. I believe you are not familiar with the concept of special abilities.' Grey eyed her.
'I am afraid, I am not.' She replied.
'Well then, if you could please explain her the matter Alastair.' Grey gestured at me.
Why does it always have to be me?
'Miss Auclair, every great sorcerer and sorceress has a special ability that is just preserved for them. An ability that they themselves are supposed to harness, without the help of any tutor, trainee or family member.' I started.
She nodded her head, gesturing me to continue.
'You have been granted the special ability to control certain elements, which are yet unknown to us.' I ended my rant.
Auclair took a moment to process what I just told her. Then turning her head towards Grey, she said.
'Well..... thank you for that. But what am I supposed to do now?'
I take it back. She does not know how to talk.
Trainee looked taken aback by her unenthusiastic response to such an amazing news.
'Well.....Alastair here, has the exact same ability as yours, but I doubt you would have the same elements. I want both of you to train separately, yet together to groom this gift of yours.' He began, sitting up from his desk, pacing towards us.
'It will, I am sure, be a great help to our kingdom. The power that you two posses is just.. ....extraordinary!' Grey had turned red with excitement now.
With shaking hands, he poured some water in a glass, and drank it in one gulp.
'Off you go now. And remember, not a word about this to anyone, except your family I suppose Miss Auclair. Your brother has a right to now, if you want to tell him.' He gestured us to leave.
I nodded at him, standing up. This has been quite a conversation, I must say.
I held open the door for Auclair to go out, and she muttered a small thank you leaving towards the other corridor.
I also make my way towards the training room. A little alone training is all I need at this moment.
Unfortunately, I was interrupted by Maren.
'Alastair! Could you please spare a moment?' She asks.
Maren and I have been best friends since we were younger, but then one day she told me she had feelings for me, which I didn't share.
And I refused politely.
But since then, things didn't go exactly how it quite used to be.
'Yes, of course Maren.' I stop in my tracks and wait for her to continue.
'My father has contacted me regarding the matter of this new girl. He said you forgot to send in the report of her behaviour and actions to your parents.' She explained.
Oh shoot.
'I must have forgotten. Tell your father I apologise. I will get right back at it.' I smile at her, leaving for my room.
What am I supposed to write about her?
I will have to inform her about the elemental controlling abilities, and her surprising reveals.
She is fine.
Powerful, but not dangerous.
Everything that the world was fearing for has turned out to be rumours.
As expected.
I wrote my parents a letter, explaining all I could, and then went in the search for one if the servants to tell them to post this letter.
Miss Aesira Auclair.... You are different.

Author's note:
A little something different this time. Didn't wanna bore you all.
Just came to say hi.
This is getting awkward.
I'm trying!
Anyway, bye.

Can't cry.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora