My home

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This Part of the story is from the perspective of Prince Alastair Richard Lovis, and it takes place in the Palace Of The Kingdom Of Praefuturum.

I surpass the familiar giant hourglass banner at the front door, and reading the word written on it, as per habit.

My home. The place I was born and raised.
I didn't expect to be called at the palace at such urgent notice.
Mother and Father probably wanted to talk about Auclair and the report that I sent about her.

If I could change anything about that report I would. I would probably add words like,
Rude, impatient, sarcastic, competitive and emotionless. Not really likeable.
She changes faces as fast as an asteroid.
One minute all sulky, other minute smiling and laughing gently.
The latter mood was preserved to impress the trainees, and the former for me.

One thing I learned from this experience is to never trust first impressions.

It seems that she hates me specifically.

What if she does?
That would be bad. That would be really bad.

I can't have someone hating me, I mean-

I came to a halt at the sight of the door in front of me. Shaking my head of any unwanted thoughts, I waited outside the door, while the guards announced my visit.

'Alastair! Oh, I missed you.' My mother came forward and wrapped her arms around me.

'I missed you too, mother.' I reply, smiling slightly.

My father dismissed the servants before he strolled towards me, patting me on my back. It's his way of saying, 'I am proud of you'.

'I was wondering as to why I was summoned at such urgent notice?' I questioned as soon as mother let go of me.

'Well, your mother an I have been wanting to have a conversation with you about Aesira Auclair.' Father said.

Knew it.

'Actually, we both were hoping that we could talk to her in person.' Mother said, sitting back on her throne.

'Why?' I say, confused.
They want to meet Auclair in person? But why?

'We will have the rest of the conversation later. You should go and change your clothes, we will see you at the dinner table.' Father said, gesturing me away.

I nodded slightly, turning away to leave the hall. What was so important in her that they wanted to meet her in person?
Maybe Felix had told them to meet her, or make her feel welcome..... I don't know.

I need an incredibly hot shower right now. Every other thing can wait.

How to pronounce this made up word:
Praefuturum Prae-foo-tu-room

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