The Party

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I am in Vienna's birthday party. And I feel like the biggest fool ever.
There are people all around me, boys, girls, laughing and talking. There are only three people who I know. Jess, Anna and Vienna.
I also feel like a fool even writing about it.
This is the first time I have been to a party, and let me tell you, parties, if they are all like this, suck.
My goal is to get out of here as soon as possible.
'You good?' Vienna came over where Jess, Anna and I were sitting.
'Yes.' We all replied.
I look over at Jess and Anna, who were sitting there only because I didn't feel like socialising with people.
'Guys, for the sake of God, just go and enjoy. I'll join you soon, I promise.' I order them?
'We'll all go together.' Anna said firmly.
'It's okay Em, we will wait for you.' Jess smiled.
I stood up and took their hands, Vienna watching all this with an amusing look on her face.
I led them away from the sitting area, towards the big crowd.
'Go on. I'll be back in a second.' I shoved them.
As I went back to sit with Vienna,I saw her giving me a strange look.
'What birthday girl?' I ask her.
'What happened to you?' She asks suddenly.
I look over at her, confused.
'What do you mean?'
'I mean you have changed. It's like there is a part of you missing. The fun and chatty part. The humorous part.' She said, taking a sip of her soda.
'It's just one of those days where you don't feel like socialising.' I replied.
Wow, she noticed.
'Maybe. But I was counting on you to be the life and soul of my party.' She said, looking right at me.
'You know Vi, sometimes you give me the vibes of the all-knowing eye.' I grin, or smirked at her.
'No way, you are supposed to be the know-it-all.' She gave me a nudge. 'Come on then, let's take a selfie.'
She unlocked her mobile, and on the Home Screen I saw a picture of Draco.
And my heart did a double flip.
Vi caught me staring and laughed.
'Don't start simping please.'
'I won't.' I promised and faked a grin for the camera.
But the music faded in my ears, the laughs all around sounded weird. I gulped. I can't be getting one of those phases now.
I took the soda in my hands and took a large sip. That felt better.
Vienna led me towards the crowd, where people were now dancing.
Anna ran towards me, cringing.
'You know, this is getting awkward now.' She voiced my thoughts.
'Yeah, get Jess, we are getting out of here.' I told her.
'She's having fun Em, let her be.' Anna replied.
So we both got out of the party area, and roamed around the mall, talking and laughing.
'Hey Anna, I need to tell you something.' I said.
'Hmm?' She said, finding a yellow top more interesting.
'Bro, I am going to leave the city,and join a boarding school.'
'Yeah. And I am going to mars.' She rolled her eyes.
'No no. This is serious.' I insist.
'Like serious serious?' She rose her eyebrows.
'Yes! I am leaving on the day of my birthday, so..' I shrugged.
'When did that happen? Where are you going?' She started.
At that moment my phone started ringing.
Was it time already?
'I'll text you everything. And I need to tell Jess too don't I? Tonight, ok?' I say hurriedly.
'Yeah, ok.'
'I gotta go, bye. Say bye to Vi and Jess from me, would you?' I ask her.
'Yeah I will.' She replied.

The conclusion:
Parties are stupid.
And so am I.
I should stop writing about it.

Author's Note
This feels like the worst chapter written so far. I won't say anything much. But my goal is to present this book like a person's journal. It will have weirdly written bits, highly bias bits, because all of this are just opinions of the character Emma Hendrix, or Aesira, if you can say it that way.

I also wanted to say that I may be uploading the POV's of other characters. I will give you more details later.

Till then,

Can't cry.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat