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I don't understand what the hell is going on.
It's too much, too early and too fast.
It's overwhelming.
But there is nothing one can do about something that is a fact.
And my elemental powers are a fact.
That's what Grey called me for, to tell me that I have elemental powers.
I have elemental powers!
The conversation we had in Grey's office....was intense, to say the least.
And Lovis was there too, because he has elemental powers as well.
I am too tired to repeat the conversation... way too tired. I think some things are meant to be mysterious, and that conversation will be one of those mysteries.
Yeah, I think I need a nap.
I am going to sleep.

It's currently 4 in the morning, and I can't sleep. I haven't been able to sleep a wink after last night.
I have a severe headache that just won't go away.
I think I did snooped some Xenix from our first aid box back at my house (my father is a pharmacist), but I just can't find it anywhere.
I had promised myself I wouldn't take any scary medicines like sleeping pills or pain killers, but at this point, I probably need them.
Need. Not want.
So right now I am going to turn everything upside down, and look for those pills.

Ok.   Found it, and I am going to take half of it, as I don't want to get addicted to this drug and I have to get up tomorrow to attend my normal classes as well as those etiquette classes.
Sigh, sigh. I am going to burst my head on the wall right now.

I was late today. I woke up extremely late.
Whole three hours late.
And I would still have been sleeping if Mary hadn't send Chantelle to wake me up.
'Oh shoot!' I had murmured and ran off to quickly get ready.
I then apologised to Trainee Theo, who gave me a detention.
My first detention. Anywhere.
Now I have to perform my detention and the etiquette classes.
What a day, what a start.
Lovis and I had made made eye contact at least three times today, and the awkwardness meter was flaring up to the ceiling.
Yesterday's conversation between Grey, Lovis and me had, in one way or another, bounded both of us together in a secret.
A secret that no one should know.

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