The Reveal

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I didn't meet much people last night. Just the kind cook, Mary, and the Head Trainee, Grey.
(They call professors 'Trainees').
So today, at the breakfast table I met the two other students staying there. The ones Felix told me about.
Alastair Lovis and Maren Chantelle.
'Aesira, this is Alastair and Maren. Kids, this is Aesira Auclair, the new student.' Mary introduced us.
'Hey, I am Maren Chantelle.' The girl with light brown hair and big blue eyes said to me.
I nodded my head back.
'Alastair Lovis.' Alastair Lovis resembles Draco. He really does. With his silvery blond hair and cold gaze. But he has Harry's eyes. I mean green eyes. Really pretty Jade green eyes.
After a small awkward breakfast, Mary explained to me that as I am a beginner, I will have to start at a point where normally kids of twelve and thirteen would start, (Not embarrassing at all).
My reveal.
Sounds grand, doesn't it?
'The reveal is actually the way every young sorcerer and sorceress discover their power. All the young sorcerers don't show any signs of magic until they have their reveal.' Mary starts.
I mentally let out a sigh of relief.
There you go my darling conscience. I need to have my reveal first.
Then I was led by Alastair Lovis to a huge room with wooden oak doors, filled to the brink with children.
I heard Lovis groan beside me.
'What?' I ask him.
He gave me a sympathetic look. A pitying look.
I immediately hate this person.
'Seriously, what?' I ask again.
'You are going to have your reveal in front of everyone.' He said.
I don't reply.
First of all, I don't know what the hell a reveal is, and what happens to a person during it.
Second of all, I don't care what people think about me, but judging by the look on his face, the reveal can be either really embarrassing or really weird.
You will probably have to stand naked in front of every body.
At this point, I probably should stop writing anything from my conscience's perspective.
Are you dumb, me? What has powers got to do with me being naked?
'Come on Auclair, you have to stand over their with the younger students.' Lovis's voice came.
'Hm.' I reply looking towards the end side of this classroom kinda place, where several twelve to thirteen years old were standing.
I, very awkwardly, set out towards those kids, people's gazes burning my neck.
Why do people have to stare at me like that?
Then the most embarrassing thing happened. I can't even tell you how much I am cringing right now just thinking about it.
The head Trainee, Trainee Grey, entered the room, came towards me, and announced to everyone that,
'Children, I want everyone to warmly welcome Aesira Auclair, who has been reunited to the place she belongs.'
There was an applause, including several whistles. I didn't even bother smiling.
'Is a bit rude, isn't she?' I heard someone whisper.
'Arrogance is in her blood. After all, she is an Auclair.' Someone whispered back.
I had such a close safe from being the first one to have my reveal, because there was someone else whose last name started with A.
And I found out why Lovis had given me such a look when he found out that I was to have my reveal in front of everyone.
When a person is having their reveal, they are literally thrashed around in the air, with a weird glow just oozing around them, which, I learned later, is the colour of their magic.
The darker the colour, the more powerful and difficult the magic is.
Anyway, I could not see myself being thrashed around like that, it would be the worst way to start up my reputation.
Just as I was thinking of playing my sympathy cards to manipulate Grey to have my reveal alone, I was called upon a small platform in the middle of the room.
'Aesira Auclair, daughter of Cirillo and May Auclair, is requested to hold up her first two finger!' A voice shouted.
Here goes nothing....

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