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I have came to my hundredth realization, that I have no idea why am I writing about my personal life in this journal.
Like, am i supposed to publish this story? Or...it's just for my satisfaction? So that I can have someone to talk to?
I don't know.
I don't want to know.
The last entry was a cliffhanger. It was a cliffhanger for my imaginary audience, not for me.
I knew what happened as it soon as it did.
Anyway, I don't remember what did.
As soon as I put my two hands up, I was instructed to close my eyes, and forget everything, go blank, just picture a white wall.
And.. I did.
And then I felt like I was flying. Not like how you feel when you jump, I felt free, not clustered. Everything around me was cold and hot at the same time, I could feel branches tugging my feet, and... water. I felt water dripping on my forehead. I let out a calm sigh, and wished that it would remain like this forever.
But, 'the world is not a wish granting factory'.
It really isn't.
Just seconds later, or I think it was seconds, my hands began burning.
'Do not open your eyes!' A voice boomed out. 'Do not give in!'
Of course I won't! What is a bit of physical pain? I am ready for that, I knew this journey wouldn't be painless.
And soon I had landed on my feet, unlike the last girl who had fallen on the ground.
The room was deathly silent. Not even a small sound could be heard.
Then I heard Trainee Grey clear his throat, after he had done whispering things in Lovis' ear.
'Very well, Miss Auclair, you can stand on the other side now.' He ordered and after muttering a small thank you, I leave.
After all, manners don't cost a penny.
I did feel different after this though. I felt... settled. I have always been restless, impatient and a bit of a messy perfectionist. But I felt quite settled right now.
I watched the rest of the reveals quietly, pretending not to notice the weird gazes people were giving me now. I mean they were staring before, but it was worse now.
As soon as this whole session was over, Lovis and Maren Chantelle approached me.
'Come on, we are supposed to give you a tour.' Chantelle gestured me to follow her.
I followed them out of the hall, people still shamelessly staring.
Are we allowed to kill yet? The things I was thinking.
You know when I said that it was pretty big in area? I take it back.
It is huge area wise.
We went of walking for hours, both of them muttering at every other corridor.
'This is the library...' my ears perked up at that.
I paid attention to the similar Oak door in front of me, that had a yellowish sign stating what it was.
The Library.
I immediately noticed how far away the library wad from my room, which wasn't that far, compared to the number of corridors this place has.
I'll never be able to remember this place.
'So.. did you get all the passage ways?' Lovis asked me.
'I got the important ones.' I reply.
'Do you think she would? The centre is huge, she will never get the hang of it.' Chantelle interrupted.
I was just thinking that same thing.
Lovis sighs.
'For now, just remember the way from the dining hall and the kitchens, to the training hall, which was the room you were just in, and your room. You will learn the other passageways slowly.'
'Hm.' I reply.
'Can I ask you something Auclair? How did you do that?' Chantelle asks.
'Did what?' I question back.
'The thing you did during the reveal. You looked like you knew what you were doing, like you knew that your hands would burn, or when exactly you would land back on the platform.' Chantelle says.
Lovis looks at me too, amusement dancing in his green eyes. But, as I am an author, I saw something else their as well.
What was it?
'I am completely unaware of that. That was my first time experiencing anything like that.' I stated.
Oh. So I did something special... Hm.
'So, I was not thrashed around like a stupid ball?' I ask, somewhat innocently.
'No, quite the opposite actually. It was a bit weird I think, but then again, you are supposed to be special.' Lovis said.
You-I mean, we are?
I am not writing my conscience's lines anymore.
'In what sense, may I ask?'
'You are an Auclair.' He simply replied.
'Yeah, I have been hearing that a lot since I have been here. Though nobody has taken much trouble explaining to me why my family is or was special. I wasn't really an Auclair until some time ago, you see.' I rant, kind of pissed off.
'Ohhhh. The new girl has a big tongue.' Chantelle remarks.
'I can bet it's sharp too.' I reply.
'Relax people. We are sorry Auclair. We are just not used to oblivious people. Sorcerers who are recruited from the outside never come here. They have another school for those kids.'
I, rightfully ignoring this information, turned my back on them.
'I hope this tour is over, I need to be somewhere. It was a pleasure meeting you both.' I nod curtly at them and move towards the direction of the kitchens. From there I would navigate my way back to my room.
Let's hope I don't get lost.

Can't cry.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora