The truth

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So.. where were we? Oh yeah. The floating.
I had this weird feeling in my stomach, like I was going to puke, but long road drives had prepared me for this moment. I took a deep breath and played songs in my head again and again. Who knows how long we have been travelling, but I had a hand holding me firmly.
As soon as my feet touch the ground, I gasp and stumble. I saw the guy making his way towards me.
'Are you okay? I apologise for this sudden lash out, but we needed that.' He said reaching out to touch my shoulder.
I shrugged him off.
'You, first of all, need to tell me the purpose of my so called abduction.' I glared at him.
'Wow! You are a feisty one. You were so calm as a baby...' He smiled brightly at me.
'Does your kind talk like that all the time? Because I haven't heard a single piece of important info out of your mouth!' I stepped forward.
He laughed. It sounded quite nice. In a good way people, I don't have feelings for this guy. Just to make it clear, he looks a lot older, like in his twenties.
I gave him a look.
'Ok ok. Aesira.. first of all, that's your real name. Second, I am Felix, your brother.' His black eyes twinkled.
I stood their stunned. Brother!? Had I heard him right?
'Yes, your one and only brother, well cousin brother actually. Now for the rest of the part, I have no idea where to start....'
'But-does that mean- I have a whole famil- forget it..........So, I am adopted?' I stuttered.
'Yes. Of course. So they didn't tell you?Well, You are a sorceress.'
Wow. Ok. I am getting overwhelmed. Suddenly I started chocking, my heart felt like it was going to burst. Was I getting a heart attack? His eyes opened wide in shock, and he put his arms around my shoulder.
'Water.. just get me some water..' I gasped.
He put his two fingers out and a bottle of water appeared out of thin air.
I grasped on the bottle, drinking it as rapidly as I could, my palpitations getting better.
'Are you okay?' He anxiously asked me.
'Ahem.. yes, yes.' I replied.
No. No I am not.
Sorceress? Magic? Now they expect me to believe them. The Audacity.
'You are aware of the fact that you are very late.' I looked directly in the eyes of Felix.
'I know.. I am so sorry. There were a lot of things going on..' he looked genuinely sad.
I bit back a sharp reply. From now on, my actions will speak.


Me and Felix decided to keep it till there. He dropped me back to school, where obviously people were oblivious to my absence.
Felix also agreed to meet me after school outside my house to help my parents understand that I have to leave this 'world'. And I am not going to do a Harry, let me tell you. I am going to do a Tom Riddle.*1

Author's Note
Hello my dear non-existent readers!
How are you all? I am just saying I know exactly where I am going with story!
I hope you all are enjoying, and yes.
*1: this references to the fact that Harry didn't believe that he was a wizard and thought Hagrid had made a mistake, where as Tom Riddle, aka, Voldemort is like: 'I knew it!'

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