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This part of the story is continued by Miss Aesira Auclair, written in the infamous brown journal.
'Are you ok?' Lovis asks me, as we both leave the hall.

No. I am not. I need to tell someone that I am not okay. I need someone to help me get out of this horrible situation. Maybe I should tell you, maybe I shouldn't. But,

'I am fine. Just tired. I need to have a drink of water. And some time to process...all that.' I say to him, ignoring the lingering stares of the royal guards.
It took me some time to realise that I was much of a popular conversation topic around here.

Which place am I talking about?
The Royal Palace.

I have no idea what to even say. I am....I am speechless, wordless.
My life is like a tangled mess of wires, determined to never be untangled unless I cut my way through them.

And this is what I will do.
Cut my way through.

I was pretty surprised to hear that the King and Queen of this kingdom wanted to meet me.
The monarchs of The Kingdom of "Praefuturum".
Stupid name.
I was accompanied by some servants and taken to the inner grounds after a letter from Lovis arrived late night.
Professor Grey followed us there and gave me several instructions.

'Miss Auclair, the King and Queen are extremely kind, but you mustn't forget all the etiquettes you learned in the etiquette classes. Speak only when spoken too, don't be imprudent, let them finish what they have to say, and then say anything and do not-'

'It's okay Professor. Calm down. I promise I will be on my best behaviour.' I smile at him.

'Of course. You are the most charming student I have ever met, except perhaps Alastair.'

My smiled faltered a bit.

The giving me the rarest smiles he said,
'You know the King was a great friend of your father and uncle. Best of friends they were. I suppose they may treat you with extreme extra privileges.'

Friends. Great friends.
Why didn't anyone tell me about that?

Who cares anyway.

As far as I know, they weren't they greatest parents of all time.

Parents don't trade literal emotions of their kids for power.

Yes. You read right. My oh-so-grand-Auclair-parents sold my emotions in return of extraordinary powers.
My extraordinary powers in exchange for my emotions.
Specifically, my tears.

This is the reason I can't shed tears.

There. Mystery solved. Not in the best way, but hey, we got something.
Let me a give you a brief review of the encounter that I had with the King and Queen of Praefuturum.

I went to the castle, with several servants in a extremely fast carriage (the worst ride of my life) and I seriously don't know where it was as the curtains of the carriage windows were drawn. But we stopped in the front lawn,where a guard escorted me to my 'personal chambers'.
I freshened up and waited in my oh-so grand room. It was, it really was. A huge king sized bed (I also have a king sized bed back at the training centre) with a gold doorframe.

There was also a huge dressing table, sofas and curtains and all that stuff. It was much grander than my room back at training centre which is saying something.

Anyway, after an hour I guess, a servant came into my room, or suite and told me that the King and Queen were waiting for me. Despite my usual calm persona, I was a bit nervous. And I did what I usually do when I am nervous, I took a bottle of water with me to the royal hall (best decision I ever made).

Can't cry.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن