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This Part Of The Story Is From The Point Of View Of Prince Alastair Richard Lovis, Taken Place In The Training Hall Of The Palace.

'Duck!' My instructor yelled as Jame's sword flew towards my face.

'You are getting rusty J!' I say as I smash him on the ground, my sword pointing directly at his neck.

'Not fair! You are the one who is getting better and better!' He glared at me.

I laughed heartily, throwing my sword on the ground and offering him my hand, which he gladly took and stood up.

'Nice job Alastair, nice job. And you James, you need to work much harder. You need to work on your concentration and focus levels. Come on, thirty minutes meditation.' My instructor scolded J.

James Steward is a great friend of mine. He is here on holidays and complains bitterly about how much training he has to do here. Apparently more than he does even at his own home.

James scowled up at him, and mumbled some inaudible words, walking towards the meditation side of the hall.

'You should get some rest now Alastair, I believe we are expecting company any second now.' He patted me on the back and left.

Company? I didn't know that we were expecting someone.

Just then the door flew open and Felix came in with Auclair. I looked up at her and my thoughts immediately flew back to the all the things I suddenly knew about her.
I don't know if to feel sympathetically towards her or not. Because as far as I know, you can't really gain her side by sympathising with her.

'Alastair! I am glad you are here. Aesira here asked for the training hall in the palace.' He told me gesturing at her.
Then he came closer,
'Distract her. Tell her to attend sword fightings, take her on horse rides. Teach her how to play piano, how to box, anything. She needs to be distracted.' His tone went from the usual nonchalant to pleading and it hurt me to listen to the person I have called my big brother talk like that.

So, I quickly nodded, and gave him a reassuring smile.

'Right then. I'll go. Oh, is James here?' He asks, suddenly noticing James in the corner.

'Yes, for the holidays. He is staying at the Chantelle's.' I reply.a

'Ah, good. Then you both will be able to help. Not that she needs it, from what I've heard.' He smiled proudly at her.

Ok, I am jealous. A teeny weeny bit.
Felix has been my older brother since God knows when, it feels weird to see him being brotherly with anyone else but me.
Calm down me. She is his sister. He has a right to be proud of her.

She smiled tensely at him, and noticing this he started assuring her.

'I will be back as soon as possible. I have matters to attend that can no longer be neglected, and apart from that I need to do some other things.....' he offered her a tight smile. 'I do wish I wouldn't have to go little bug, but you know I do.' He ruffled her black silk curls.

'I know Felix. I understand. It's okay, just come back as soon as those matters allow you to.' She sighed.

And the next moment he was gone, hesitant as he was, but he was gone.
I looked at my present company, searching for any signs of further talk or engagement, and to my surprise, she pleasantly smiled at me.

'Thank you for offering me to extend my stay at the palace.' She started gratefully. 'I don't believe I could ever had the power to face anyone back at the centre.'

It was true. I was the one who suggested to my parents that they should let her stay a bit longer, considering her situation,and they both readily agreed.

'It was more of my parents decision Auclair. And..you are welcome.' I smiled at her. 'Now, would you honour me to a duel?'
I was shocked at my own words.

Did I just offer her to duel me? No way.

But what is said, is said and cannot be taken back. The pleasantly surprised grin on her face made me somewhat happy and proud that I was able to make her smile by myself.

'The honour is all mine.' Was her reply as she gripped her water bottle, which she seemed to take everywhere with her, tighter.

But before we could do anything, my dork of a friend seemed to wake up from his stance.

'Oi! You even got yourself a girlfriend in my absence? You cheeky little..' he exclaimed.

'James! Let me at least introduce her to you before you start making assumptions.' I glare at him. 'This is James Stewart a good friend of mine from the RiverDale valley, and this is Aesira Auclair J, Felix's cousin and my classmate at the centre.'

James smiled delightfully at her.

'So you are that auspicious and mysterious young woman that everyone around here talks about so much?' He asked, darting his hand forward.

'Let not those falsehoods make any impressions on Mr Steward, I can assure you I am better than any of them.' She shook his hand as he laughed.

'Call me J if you will Miss Auclair, and is it not true that the outside world cursed you to be dammed in hell and you had nowhere to go and this is why you had to come back?'

'Please call me Aesira. And no, the outside world and it's occupants loved me so much that they would be very sad to see my back, if they knew that I was going to a different universe altogether.'

Ok. Hold your horses. She never gave me permission to call her Aesira. And why the hell would he mention something that sensitive to her?

'If you both are done with your chatter, let's get back to training. Auclair is not here to chatter with you all day J, she is here to train. And trust me when I say this, she takes her training seriously.'

'I won't argue about that.' She said raising her hands in surrender.

The duel was forgotten as J hurriedly offered his assistance in sword fighting, as it is the only activity he enjoys and is extremely skilled at.

'Sword fighting? I am pathetic at any type of physical activity.'

'We'll teach you. Come on Alastair, get her a lightweight sword, let's set up her grip.' He clapped his hand and left to get his own sword.

I smiled at her again, as welcoming as I could, and said,
'Sword fighting it is?'

'Sword fighting it is.' She replied. She looked as if she might say something, but then thought better and stalked off behind J, with me behind her.

'Now Aesira, the trick of getting better at sword fighting is to be comfortable with your sword and improve your grip. Your wrist movement is immensely important.' J started explaining, as I handed her a lightweight sword.
'Now give it a good swish.'

I watched as J gave her a brief explanation of how the rules work and I sought out to find my own sword, Sardin (yes it has a name). It had been quite a long time since I practiced it.
I started sword fighting at my father's request last summer and these days I somehow don't get the time to practice it. It is just one of my many hobbies.

I looked over at Auclair looking quite happy with a sword in her hand. Sometimes, I wonder if she really is what she seems.

Can't cry.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat