Belief turned to a fact

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I rang the doorbell of my apartment, Felix standing against the wall outside the door. I had been asking him when I would be able to do magic, when my (adopted) brother came outside and opened the door.
I gestured Felix to come inside and he followed me in. My brother took one look at Felix, and rose his eyebrows.
'Who's this?' He questions.
'A friend.' I reply, ignoring eye contact. 'Where's mother?'
'She's inside.' He replied, gesturing towards the kitchen.
I went inside the kitchen calling my mother, saying it was something important.
She came out, grumbling about me disturbing her and stuff like that, but when her eyes landed on Felix, she stopped in her tracks.
'Who is this!?' She nearly screamed at me.
Felix remained calm and unemotional, like a professional.
'I am sorry I had to visit you like this, I usually contact the family first. But as you are not Aesira's, I mean Emma's real family..'
'We are her real family, what are you talking about?' mother interrupted, looking guilty and furious at the same time.
'No you are not.' I calmly said, or snapped if you want to put it that way.
Felix gave me a look that said, don't interrupt me, let me handle this.
I shook my head and went towards my room, and slammed the door shut.
As my room was a bit far from the the hall and the living room, I couldn't really hear them.
Hence, I waited.
After a while, Felix came knocking at my door.
'Aesira. I am leaving now. But before that, I just want to say that I'll come on the day of your fifteenth birthday and I will take you to the Outer Realm.'
'What's the Outer Realm?' I questioned.
'One of The other universe's. The universe we belong to.' He replies.
'"One of"?' My voice is stuck in her throat. If there are more magical worlds then maybe-
'Yes. There are plenty of magical universes, all connected to one another through something.'
It was foolish of me to get exited like that. Foolish. I can't let that happen again.
'Ok. So I will be like staying there with my parents or something?' I inquired.
He smiled a bit sadly.
'Alas, that is not going to happen. Your only family left... is me ....little bug.' He slightly ruffles my hair, and I like it.
So my other family was dead. My ladybug-luck.
'What about your parents?' I wondered aloud.
'Well,  they are not alive as well. Your father and my father were brothers. But that is a tale for another day. You have had quite an adventure today anyway, so let's save that for later.'
He stood up and went towards the door.
'Bye little bug.' He said.
'' I smiled at him, genuinely.
He smiled brightly in reply, and was gone the next moment.
What a day.
Now the question remains, is my belief about magic mended? Well, it is not a belief anymore is it? It's a fact.
I believed in magic when I had seen none proof of its existent. Now I am a part of it.
It's a belief turned to a fact situation, I guess.

I went out of my room about half an hour later, just so the situation would calm down.
It was a surprise that my mother didn't came barging in my door, wanting an explanation, or providing one.
Either way, I am kind of happy I am not part of this family.
That is really ungrateful. That nasty voice.
I am not ungrateful, I promise that. I am really grateful that they loved me like their own daughter, that they provided me the best of everything. But then again, I am a teenager.
As I left my room, and made my way towards the living area, I see my whole family, including my father and my two brothers, sitting quietly on the couch.
I clear my throat and they all looked up.
My father opened his mouth to speak but I interrupted him.
'It's okay, really. There is no need for any explanation.'
Part of me didn't even wanted to know how they adopted me. Maybe it was behind a hospital building, instead of a proper adoption house.
'I think Felix explained that I would have to visit my hometown or universe, so I'll be leaving on the day of my fifteenth birthday.
I looked directly at my father.
He nodded at me and then stood up.
'So what's for dinner?' He questioned my mother.
Spoken like a great father. Or adopted father.

I opened my mothers mobile to find Vienna's long texts.
Everyone, meet Vienna Lapis. She is in my class at school, one of the cool kids.
She is a great friend of mine, and we both have many similarities, for example we both have the same fictional crush. Though if you ever read this Vienna, know that even if he betrayed me, broke my belief, that does not mean you can have him.
Anyway, back to the text.
Vienna L: Hey! It's my birthday two days later, would your people allow you to come to the mall, so that we can celebrate my birthday? Jess and Anna have confirmed that they will be there, but I know your parents are strict.
Vienna L: Beg them if you have to dude, I won't have no for an answer. And we will be supervised by my mum... so they can rest assured we won't go completely berserk.
I laughed inwardly at the texts. My parents don't really allow me to hang out with my friends that much, but as I am not their real daughter, some manipulative blackmailing would do the trick.

So I am allowed! Not a surprise there though. I knew I could do it.
I really look forward to the other realm visit, but I have only one goal in mind. Power.
I want all the power I can have, and I will do anything to have it.

Author's Note
Hello my non-existent readers!
How' s the story so far? I hope you enjoy it. And if you don't understand any references, feel free to use the power of comment sections.
Till then.

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