Chapter 5⃣0⃣

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Heaven POV

I was really getting tired of Roshon and his partner Walter Redd. They were trying their best to lock Caution up and I didn't appreciate it. "Carter." Judge Abel snapped me out of my thoughts. "I'm sorry your honor what was the question?" I asked holding my low stomach. "Would you like a recess? You're standing like you have to use the restroom." She says and I chuckled. "No your honor I'm fine. I'll ask for a recess if I do." She simply nodded and turned her attention back to Roshon.

"As you were saying." She says. "Well the simple fact that Mr. Jackson had an illegal gun makes myself and colleagues wondering how can he get a hold of this weapon. Also, the gun whom anthropologist have said is the gun that killed Jake Green was found in his house." Walter says and I rolled my eyes. "Mr. Redd you're just implying trafficking which has no evidence to it. I understand my client had an illegal gun in his home. I knew it was illegal, you knew it, but my client did not." I lied. "But your honor it is not right for my client to get time for trafficking, possession we're agreeing a few months is better than a few years."

"But what about the murder Carter?" Roshon says. "I was getting to that if you would let me." I snapped. "Carter." Judge Abel warned. "I'm sorry." I smiled at her. "Even if the murder weapon was so called found in my client's home that doesn't quite on quote put Mr. Jackson as the killer. Some one could have left it when they was there to frame but. But we can't really know because the gun was wiped clean."

"Closing remarks." She says, nodding to Roshon to go first. "You know what Carter? You're very defensive for this case. I've seen you in action against me and against others and I haven't seen you so defensive. May I ask why?" He looked at me and I rolled my eyes. "I'm just doing my job Mr. Jenkins." "Matter-of-fact, I would like to know who is your child's father." He says and I glared at him. "I don't see the relevance in this your honor." I said while staring at him.

"You'll allow this correct?" He asked her. "Of course." She smiled and batted her eyes. I scoffed, disgusted. "Your answer Carter." "Don't forget what case is next. With the same judge." I warned him. "Carter." Judge Abel says waiting for my answer. I sighed before opening my mouth. "The father of my child is my client. Are you happening Mr. Jenkins?" I looked at Caution and he looked at me shocked that I told.


"When it comes to possession, the jury finds Mr. Jackson guilty." A lump had formed in my throat. "And in regards to the murder of Jake Green, the jury finds Mr. Jackson guilty." She banged the gravel and that's when it went downhill.


I was pulled to the floor by Caution and he hovered over my stomach. "Are you okay?" "I am so sorry." I ran my hand over his face. "Babe don't worry about it. You did your best." He kissed my lips. That was when I saw him get pulled up by a security guard and handcuffed. "I love you." He mouthed. "I love you too." I mouthed back while wiped my tears.

I walked out the courtroom to go to the bathroom. "You okay?" I turned around to see Kiva. "Yeah." I shrugged. "Heav." She wrapped her arms around me and we silently cried together.

"I have to get back. Can you make sure everyone stays?" I asked. "Yeah sure why?" She asked. "Let's just stay I know how to get your brother free from the death penalty." She smiled and hugged me again.


"Your honor I suggest that the kids are in full custody of the mother. He has many responsibilities and shouldn't even be here right now." I spoke. "There where should I be?" He retorted. "Behind bars." I smiled. Since this case was called, Judge Abel have been on my side. Manly because she didn't know he was married. "Tuh!" He made a sound.

"Your honor, Mr. Jenkins is a liar, a cheater, behind in a lot of child support, and did I mention he killed my client's lover?" The people in the room gasped at the last part. "Who this lover and the person he killed exactly?" She asked. "I'll get to it later but first can I bring up a few people to speak on why the children should be away from this man?" "Go ahead." She says. "What the hell." He mumbled. "Mr. Jenkins. Watch it." She warned. "You don't have anyone." He says and I smiled.

"Can the mothers of Mr. Jenkins children please stand? Yall don't have to walk up here just stand in your spots." I turned around and 3 ladies. "Hi Tonya can you tell the court what Mr. Jenkins told you his name was when you two met?" "Bobby." She rolled her eyes. "And you two have 2 kids correct?" "Unfortunately." "Does he pay the child support money?" She shook her head no. "Thank you. You can sit." "Paige right?" She nodded. "What was the name given from Mr. Jenkins?" "Ray." She says. "Bobby Ray." I shook my head. "Cute name. Does he pay the child support on your daughter?" She shook her head no. "Thank you. You see your honor two different names already. When Mr. Jenkins and this woman standing, Brenda, first met he claimed his name was Peter and when Him and I met months back, he told me his name was William and never once I saw him with his wedding band on, claiming him and his wife had an open marriage."

"I don't see where this is going." Roshon mumbled. "Paige, Brenda, you two can sit. Now can I get Roshon's girlfriend to stand." I spoke and 4 women stood up. "Your honor this is a shame. Yall can sit back down." They sat and I turned to face back to Judge Abel.

"Why was that necessary?" He asked. "Well that was to lead up to this. You have 4 other women besides my client that have your children. And you also have plenty of girlfriends now. But when my client had genuinely fell in love for the first time in years and started to have a relationship, you took it upon yourself to kill him and blame it on someone else years later. Which honestly you shouldn't have done so because it could have stayed as a suicide, since you did a pretty good job of making it look like one." That had caught everyone's attention. "And who is this victim that's being framed Carter?" Judge Abel asks. "Well your honor, this is why during the last case I was so defensive. Don't you remember asking me why I was being defensive Mr. Jenkins?" I smirked.

"Frankly your honor, my client's lover was Jake Green." That statement alone made the whole room go crazy. "For him to be her lover, that gives Mr. Jenkins a motive to kill him unlike my previous client." She nodded. "Why would I want to kill a man and get life in prison if I had a wife and 4 kids in my house to worry about?" He says. "Correction Mr. Jenkins after one of your girlfriends, who is not here, give birth in a few weeks, you'll have 9 kids you should be worried about." I told him.

"You think you smart huh? If you want to correct me then you should know it's 10." He angered. "Um no Mr. Jenkins I was correct when I said 9. You know you and my client's second son, yeah his last name is Green. But you wouldn't know that because you weren't there when my client gave birth nor have you ever looked at his birth certificate." I saw the jury shaking their heads. "What?" He says lowly.

"Jacob Green is Jake Green's son. Not yours. We have the DNA tests and everything to prove so." I shrugged.


"Congrats!!" Em and Kiva hugged me when I walked out of the court house. "Thank you!" I smiled. I won all 4 of my cases. Great way to finish. "What's yo record sis?" Josh hugged me. "98%." I said proudly. "Damn." They said together and I laughed. "Hey, this is only my second year, I have more to go." I told them. "Yeah you right." I pushed Harvey from by me and he laughed. I was actually surprised he came for Caution. "You're great Heav." He hugged me. "Mommy's proud. I can feel it." He whispered in my ear. "Yeah I feel her too." I smiled.

"Where's Lai?" I asked as we walked down the steps. "Joshua you're just going to leave me like that?!?!" We turned around to she Laila at the top of the stairs. I laughed at her standing there like it was a lot of stairs. It was only 7.

"You ready to be a mother?" Harv asked as he drove behind everyone else in the car. We're going somewhere but I don't know where. "Yeah." I smiled. I'm officially on maternity leave so now I can just stay in bed all day. Besides going to my breathing and yoga classes and my appointments.

"I'm proud of you sis." I looked at Harvey as he drove. "I know I haven't been the best brother I could be and I'm sorry. I hope being there today showed that I'll support you even if that mean squashing everything with him. I-" I cut him off. "I get it big bro. Making me cry." We laughed as I wiped my eyes. There was a really comfortable silence between us with an exception for the music playing before he spoke.

"I'm dying Heav."

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