Chapter 22 - Enjoying the Moment

Start from the beginning

The investigator glanced at him suspiciously, to which Cain stiffly nodded 'hello' before going to the library.

"Who is that?" He heard the mustached investigator ask his father. William briefly looked up at Cain, with shadows under his eyes, and blinked. Then he waved his hand. "No one. Let's get on with what you've found." And they continued to the west wing.

As expected. William Duclair was now so caught up in the disappearance of his wife and accomplice that he no longer felt the need to bother with Cain's imprisonment anymore. Then again, with so many officials coming to the house, it would potentially put the Duke in hot water if he openly showed such mistreatment in front of so many guests.

During this time, Cain played the obedient, innocent bystander. Only showing up when he needed to stretch his legs, acting like he was confident that his stepmother would show up one day, suggesting that she was taking a much-needed vacation. He even gave a theory that she may have ventured to another town for something stylish, as ladies do, and got lost. Either way, he refused to entertain the idea that anything terrible had happened to her, because she was 'far too smart to let her self be put in danger'. Or so he told the investigators when questioned. 

The servants began to believe Cain was in denial, and he'd catch a few tossing pitiful glances at him. They knew how his parents treated him, but the fact that he was being so optimistic despite his upbringing made them feel like he was some pitiful kid who only saw the best in the world.

One evening, after his father and half-brother had left the house with a horde of guards, Cain decided to take a nice long bath to relax for a bit. He knew it was only a matter of time before Andrew pointed out his suspicious behavior, so his next plan would be to create a diversion that would overshadow this current scandal.

Sitting in the tub, he leaned back and closed his eyes, enjoying the warm water and waiting on a cool glass of milk to arrive with some tea cakes. Normally he wouldn't drink milk, but doing so in a hot bath was the exception.

Every so often a servant would come in to refill the tub with more hot water, averting their eyes from Cain's naked form and leaving as soon as they were done.

He ignored their awkwardness and pondered his next move. The demon would grow bored if she wasn't given another assignment soon, so he planned to have her investigate that Dodson fellow.

It'd been ages since he'd killed the goons who mentioned this man. If anyone could serve as a scapegoat, it'd be that bastard.

Speaking of bastards, Cain recalled the smug look on Maddox's face weeks ago and wondered what he'd been up to since then? Being stuck in a joint deal over farming equipment was not in Cain's plan. He'd only offered such a thing because he refused to lose at the time.

Oh well. It's not like he could back out now.

Then there was their encounter at the tavern. With everything he'd been plotting, Cain had managed to push the memories away for the most part. But sometimes at night, he'd catch himself reliving that pseudo-fight. Being pinned outside of the parlor had only encouraged him to relive the lewd night he'd spent with Maddox, and he was struggling to keep his body in check.

Even now, just the briefest recollection had his dick coming to life, but he planned to ignore it. He was sitting in bathwater and didn't want to soil it. 

The door opened again, and Cain closed his legs, trying to appear calm and hoping the servant would work quickly and leave. Only when he sensed someone standing over him did he look up to find Gideon.

"Yes?" He asked, feeling nervous and trying to convince himself that the butler wouldn't notice.

"Young Master, I just wanted to check on you. You've been rather...Quiet since the news broke."

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