"You did those designs?" she asked him.

"Y-yes ma'am," he stuttered.

An older man came forward, "I'm a master carpenter; I noticed this young man whittling some little toys for the children, so I brought him to my shop. He's very talented. I decided to make him my apprentice. But it won't be long before he's better than me. He's like the son I never had, and it feels good having a young talent like this to help out." He smiled while clapping his hand on the young man's shoulder.

The young man felt a bit braver with the older man's support, "thank you Doña, for giving me a second chance. I promise I'll do better. I'll work hard for the town to show how thankful I am. It's nice earning what I get and it's nice being good at something. Thank you!"

She was still surprised. "You're the one who made these with the designs from the coins?" she asked again while running her hand along the post, tracing over the design and flowers.

The young man nodded yes.

Then the old man patted him again, "he didn't just make them. It was all his idea. The gazebo, the details on the orphanage, even adding little details to the rest of the town to update everything. He thought you'd like it."

The young man blushed, "I- I uh. Well, I mean. Everyone likes pretty things, right?" He asked, looking around at all the people around him as if looking for someone to agree. Many did. He sighed in relief and decided to try to change the subject, "you managed to rescue the other kids you said?"

She confirmed that they were the ones she had managed to rescue. She announced the women's professions but told the townspeople to let the women relax before giving them the chance to decide if they wanted to stay or leave. She said she would ask them if they would like to stay or not before she left. The townsfolk agreed but were stunned to hear that she would leave again. Asking if she was off to rescue more children. They believed more and more in Juana's story that they thought she was off to search for more children in need as a type of guardian spirit. She denied it, stating that she would just be traveling for a while but would come back regularly when able to make sure the town was doing well. She also informed them that she would provide more gold for them to expand the town before she left. She gave them ideas about how to improve and expand the town and decided to make some rules. Considering how big the town was becoming, she thought it was time. She pretty much just had one.

"No churches or preachers," she stated becoming serious. Eyes glowing as she was unable to conceal her hatred. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself down.

The more devout wanted to question her but either stopped themselves or were stopped by their friends and neighbors. They didn't want to offend their Doña. Some suspected she was against churches because she didn't want to be exorcised. One still couldn't help himself and asked if still alright to believe in God in general, more than willing to give it all up if asked. She confirmed it was alright if they wanted. That she didn't care what they believed in or practiced. She admitted to believing in God herself. But explained she did not believe in church or men claiming to be the mouth of God. Serafina then excused herself to go back home and rest. Although she didn't need it, she still thought the new women would feel better if she were to leave.

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