"I- I am so sorry!" Emma exclaims.

The woman looks at her and smiles, "It's alright."

Emma had a deja vu moment. She's seen this woman before, right? She looked familiar, unless, unless she just has that sort of face.

Emma shakes off whatever confused thought she had and decided to be friendly, neighborly.

"I don't believe we've met," Emma said, "I'm Emma Stark, I'm Tony and Pepper Stark's eldest daughter."

The woman smiles.

"Oh, I've heard of your parents. It's nice to meet you." She said, "I- I'm Geraldine."

Emma kept a smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you, but I must be off. I have a hot date and I don't want to keep him waiting."

Geraldine also held her smile, "Ooh, well you better hurry off. It was nice to finally meet you, Emma."

Emma nods and then part ways with this new friend. As Emma walked onward in the direction to where she and Peter were meeting, something was lingering in the back of her head.

She knew her. Right? Not because she had just met Geraldine. She looked familiar and Emma doesn't forget a face.

As Emma walked onward, she paused and touched her head. It felt fuzzy. Her head was hurting by trying to place where she knew where she remembered Geraldine from.

Without her noticing, small sparks ignited from her hands before she lowered it and shook off whatever uneasy feeling she was having. Whatever was going on, she was going to talk to Peter about it. After all, if anyone would help her figure this out it would be her dear boyfriend.




Emma and Peter were having a picnic, he had everything all set up for her when she arrived. The pair were laying on the blanket looking at the sky after eating their lunch, and during their time cloud watching, Emma had told her about this feeling regarding Geraldine.

Peter raises his eyebrows.

"Geraldine?" He spoke, "What about her?"

Emma, who was laying on his chest, frowns.

"I- I don't know. I feel like I know her." Emma said.

Peter chuckles, "Well, duh you know her. She lives here in Westview like you and me." He said.

Emma sits up and looks at him.

"Peter, I'm serious." She said.

Peter furrows his brows.

"I- I don't know why but- but when I saw her face today, it was as if we had already met but- but not here." Emma said and then placed a hand on her forehead, "And then my head hurts when I try to figure it out."

Sparks pops from her other hand, but Peter doesn't say or doesn't notice, instead the boy sits up. He placed a hand on her shoulder and then grabs a hold of the hand popping sparks, and they were not longer igniting sparks.

"Em," He said, "Stop stressing yourself out."

Emma lowers her hand from her head.

"But- Peter," She said looking worried.

Peter cups her face and stares into her eyes.

"There is nothing to be worried about, okay. I think you're just trying to find a problem to solve when there isn't," He chuckles lightly, "I get it, being out for break is rough mostly because I would rather be in a chemistry lab being a mad scientist, but right now we're together."

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