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Lizzie pov.

The last few days before the ball, we all started to make the ballroom ready. There was a table for all the covern so they could sit together there was a table for the kings my mates, my son and the elite guards some other guards have also table and some will be on duty but will also have a chance to dance and have fun. There was a big open space for dancing and we could also dance in the garden or sit there.

It all was beautiful the only thing not invited was humans, we had all kinds of blood on wine bottles, but also we had wine. I made sure Renesmee and Danny could get something to eat if they wished, and I also went to an animal clinic and got some animal blood in a wine bottle for the animal drinker.

Everything was ready and nice we decided that we will play all kinds of music throughout the night except for metal. I even made sure there were some cowboy songs in there so Jasper could show me some of his skills. Peter and Charlotte have gotten permission to sit at the long table with us since they were just two good friends of mine.

Now, all we have to do is get ready for the ball will start in a few hours. I started to shower and get dressed, my dress was custom-made for me it is white with easy flowers on and a similar crown. My mates didn't get to see me before they announced me, so I didn't get to see how they looked. I have dyed my hair blond and used easy makeup to set my hair up in an elegant bun. I will make my eyes a bit dark for mystery.

the dress was easy to walk in, and it wasn't heavy. I don't like to dress up, so I wished for something easy but elegant and comfy since I need to use it for the night. It was like a wedding dress I could have married in, but it was for the ball letting every vampire know that im their queen and ruler.

I was behind a curtin on a chair I wanted to go out but Aro told me to wait until he called for me so I sat down and read a book one hour later the room was filled with Vampire from all over, even Nahuel was there I could hear him speak to Danny and Renesmee. It was good they got along together. I waited for another hour. Aro wanted to make sure everyone was there and was sitting down.

'Now that I have your attention, we would like to introduce your new Queen and Ruler who will stand by our side.' Aro spoke with authority. I knew Caius and Marcus also stood. 'She and her family will help rule the vampire world with grace, elegance, fierce, and kindness.' Caius spoke up. 'She is not someone to look down on she is someone more powerful than even us. She will be respected and treated as a queen, and I hope you don't get on her bad side.' Marcus said, and they all decided to speak together now.

'We now present you Queen Lizzie Volturien.' they all said together and bent down in respect. I took that as I could go out, so I walked down the stairs and sat down with the kings and my mates. To see all the shocked faces was fun. My kings/mates only held fondness and warm smiles but also some lust. it must be the dress. I stood there, and the kings still held their heads down in respect, so I lifted my hand raising them. and they smiled at me.

'We are going to make some new rules and maybe adjust some of the rules for the vampire world. first. killing in Italy is banned, we have a facility that donates blood if meeting criminals brings them in we will lock them in the dungeon and use them as blood donors. rule two. Letting humans know of us vampire you get 3 years to change that person if not both die the reason you get three years is that person have a choice to turn right away or get to spend some more time with family and maybe age before turned. Rule three. bringing information to us, and it turns out to be false. It is not punishable with death it might be a punishment depending on what information you bring. Rule 4 there have come to light that there are hybrids half-immortal and half-mortal. They have been born from a human mother and a vampire father. They are to be treated as vampires, but they can also live in the human world after finishing ageing. I have decided that only mated human and vampire is allowed to try to make a child it is dangerous and can kill the person carrying the child but it is possible and only married couple is allowed to try. Now, let everyone have a good time.'

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