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Lizzie pov.

I stayed to watch over them, and everything went peacefully, a little drama from Jacob here and then, but nothing out of the ordinary. What surprised me the most was that Carlisle called Aro and asked about the mysterious person that fought alongside them, Aro just laughed and took it as a joke he knew it was me but he also knew I didn't want to be known.

Watching over everything has been boring, Alice never let Jasper alone I could feel his desperation, and Edward used a lot of time with Isabella, so I thought I would travel a little before everything I used my power to make a wall around me and Jasper office before I went there and waited for him to come home after school. I looked over some books, and it was interesting to read about Jasper's life as the Major alongside Peter.

Maybe I should meet this Peter guy. He sounds fun. While reading, I didn't recognize Jasper had come in even with all my gifts until he hugged me from behind. 'Hello there, Darling. I missed you.' he kissed my head, holding me close, breathing my scent in. 'I missed you too, but I have come to say goodbye.' I felt his arms get tighter around me. I felt he was scared and lonely. 'Why, please don't leave me.' i just smiled at him he was so cute.

'I'm not leaving. it's just so peaceful for the time being. I want to travel a little, have some fun, not just be a watchdog.' i looked down, playing with my fingers. ' When do you leave.' i looked up and smiled. 'When I'm done here.' That was all said I could feel his arms around me, and he was quiet. I think he was thinking. ' i want to come.' i was too shocked by this. 'You can't Alice and the Cullen.' He ignored me and stood up and went to his closet and found a backpack and started to take simple clothes with him.

I looked at his every move, trying to figure out if he was serious. 'Jasper, you can't.' 'Yes I can I need a break, I can tell them I want to visit Peter or that he needs me for something. Alice hated him so she wouldn't want to come.' it was a smart plan if it worked. I have seen Alice a bit more possessive lately since he started to go for walks, and when she used her gifts, he only lay on the field stargazing. it might have been my fault that it's all she saw. 'It might work but I don't think you want to go where I was going to visit for some days too.'

I was nervous now, and he stopped. ' Do you have a boyfriend?' Jasper was nervous and scared. ' No god no, I just wanted to visit Volturien, they aren't so bad, and we have rules for a reason, and after they meet me, they have become soft. for me, at least.' i looked over at him, and he just smiled. ' I have no problem joining you in Volturien.' i smiled.' Thank you. Maybe we can meet Peter for some days too?' i asked. I am hopeful I have read about the captain. 'He's in texas, it could be fun to meet him.' 'Then it's decided.'

Jasper pov.

Jasper stood and took care of everything. ' I'll meet you at the lake.' I rushed out as Alice came running in. 'Jasper, let's go shop, maybe you will stop wearing these old clothes.' Sighing hard, I just kept making sure I have the stuff I needed with me. Then I went to the living room, and the rest was there, and while walking, Alice kept talking. 'Im leaving for a while.'

This stopped everyone in their tracks. they were all shocked, Alice, especially. 'You can't leave me, Jasper, stay here with me we can go shopping and look at magazines.' Before she got to talk more, I stopped her. ' That is all stuff you like, Alice. I don't like any of it.' Isabella sat on the couch and was the first to walk up to me and hugged me.

'You will be back, right?' I looked at her if I could choose not, but 'Yea, I will be back. I want to visit some friends of mine and travel a little. I have my phone call if something is wrong.' Isabella nodded this also shocked the rest since I usually wasn't so nice and talkative but I just was with Isabella I have gotten close to her after we both protected Lizzie from the others, it's only Edward that keeps her from me. 'Jasper, you can't visit Peter he drinks human blood.' I just walked to the door. I just wanted to leave without anything more.

I looked at them all. ' i will leave to visit my friend Peter. I need a break from all of your judgment. You keep judging me when you're the one that needs to be judged. Edward, you keep controlling your girlfriend not letting her have a say in it how she's happy I have no idea, Rosalie you keep being mean to Emmet and all he is to you is being nice and lovingly, yes he can be childish but who wouldn't, Esme you keep pretending to be this perfect mom but you're far from it, I don't even feel safe around these people, Carlisle you keep letting two children control you, Edward want to leave so we leave without any investigation almost killing Isabella in the woods, Alice have her vision they can't go wrong so let's follow them, She travels to Forks and drags Isbaella to Volturien if it wasn't for whoever it was she would be dead you all know Volturien don't give second chances, you turn a blind eye to a lot of things going on in this house. Emmet, you are a great guy I wish I could have more time with you and Alice you keep controlling everyone from deciding to what I have to wear and you look disgusted at me if I chose myself, you have me on a leash and I'm done with it. This family or Covern or whatever you all call it is unstable and dangerous. Now I will leave to visit my friends and I hope there is more control till im back.' i walked out closed the door hard and left leaving everyone speechless I could hear Edward trying to yell after me and Alice calling for me saying we are mates and need to be close, Isabella is the only on wawing me goodbye for now.

I rushed fast and met up with Lizzie. Somehow, she knew, so she locked us both in a barrier, and we saw the Cullens run past us looking for me. 'So what trouble have you gotten in?' she laughed at me. ' I might have told them all a little of what I felt.' Lizzie only smiled and shrugged, took my hand, and rushed. If we even went past the Cullens that tried to look for me, we weren't close, but since they are vampires, they should see us. Lizzie's power is really useful.

Isabella pov.

I smiled and waved Jasper goodbye I knew Edward wasn't happy but jasper is grown up maybe even older or almost as old as Carlisle if he want to leave for a while he should and I know he isn't happy he looked miserable lately, few times it looked like he was enjoying himself was when we talked about this mystery person. I am glad he finally found his voice. I want him to be happy. I just hope that Alice will be patient.

The Cullens think I'm stupid and don't follow what happens around us, but I do. I am with Jasper to have on his travels and can only hope that Edward changes his behaviour when I change.

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