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Jasper pov.

I was standing by the Clearing where we waited I was standing with peter, Charlotte, Garrett and Benjamin. We talked a little when Garrett called out. 'Red capes are coming, Red capes are coming.' he looked amused.

I saw Aro, Marcus, and Caius they looked all over trying to see if Lizzie was her before they settled on Renesmee. Carlisle tried going forward to talk it out as old friends. I don't even know how he dared to call Aro his old friend. I watched as they got angry, and Edward showed his memory before Aro wanted to meet Renesmee.

Renesmee started to walk when she turned to me, rushed over, and dragged me with her, leaving Jacob and Isabella in the middle. I have no problem I am friends with the Kings. 'Ah Jasper, how lovely to see you again. It's been far too long since you will visit next?' he asked hopeful, probably trying to get information about Lizzie. I looked down sad, and I guess he got the point before he looked over to Renesmee.

Renesmee lifted her hands and touched Aro's cheek, giving her memories to him. Aro looked sceptical, and I can understand that with all the destruction the immortal child has been doing through their years, there is a reason we have the law. 'Half immortal half mortal carried by this newborn while she still was Human.' Aro spoke to his people. 'Impossible' Caius had a snarl on. 'Do you think they would fool me brother?' aro turned and looked at them all before back to his people. I let Renesmee run over to Isabella, and I still stood there. 'Be it as it may but does that mean there is no threat here, humans now have tools against us and the Cullens have practically screamed war at us with the outcome they have gotten, and to also work with wolves.'

I understood all of it, and then I felt Alice. 'Young Alice, good to see you.' She has been gone since she first got the vision that Volturien was coming, so I walked back to peter staying away from her she wasn't happy with it but had better things to do. 'Aro, I can show you she is no threat. Alice walked forward, and Aro took her arm.

Alice showed the fight where there will be a lot of casualties, not anything about Renesmee, but I didn't know that, so we all stood there and waited. 'Now you know unless you change directions.' Alice tried backing up, and she got halfway before Demetri and Felix took her back holding her down, I didn't care, but the others did. 'Looks like there is a bigger threat than we first thought Brothers,' Aro spoke up, looking at the Cullens. Aro saw how bad of a person Alice and Edward were, so Aro let Caius take over.

Caius raised his hand and they rushed forward, and Big War just began Volturien against all of us, but I didn't want to fight. I just wanted to protect Renesmee, and the others felt the same. Peter Charlotte, Benjamin, and Garrett, all stood protectively before the forest where Jacob ran to with Renesmee, making sure no Vampire got through, I think the others were mad we didn't fight.

When there were about to be a lot of casualties, a Shadow appeared in the middle, stopping everyone in their track she was as fast as lightening throwing everyone off each other a few meter before going to next pair she did it to everyone stopped fighthing, then she walked up to the kings, and some guards tried to stop her, but weren't able to It was strange by her appearance that everyone stopped. I knew it was Lizzie, so I walked forward. The others followed me.

I walked up and stood a few meters behind to protect her and waited.

Lizzie pov.

I was soon there I could see the fight was starting I knew Alice fucked up, so I rushed to the middle and stood up then everyone stooped it was kind of hilarious but I kept myself from laughing I felt Jasper, Peter and Charlotte but didn't dare to turn around.

I walked up to Aro he looked like a child who just got his favourite toy. 'Hello dear, oh how much we missed you.' i smiled at him. I have missed a lot of people these years, my son being my priority. 'Let me show you that this fight is ridiculous, and if you still do not see my point, I will give up my life for the safety of these.' I finished shocking the kings and the Elite Guard. The other doesn't know me.

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