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Izzy pov.

I have been close by and watched over as Isabella has become friends with the Cullens and is living well. I don't like that Edward seems to be there almost every night watching over her. I saw when Victoria, Laurent, and James came to the baseball match and tried to drink Isabella. I was about to reveal myself but saw it was under control for now.

It looks like I have to keep a better eye out. I was scared of losing Isabella and irritated about the Cullens's actions, and I think that Jasper can feel my emotions since he suddenly turned around and looked straight at me I nodded like it was a greeting before I disappeared, and no one else saw me but Jasper.

Jasper pov.

I felt the emotions scared and irritated, but it wasn't from us, so I looked over at the forest, and there stood a woman in a cape she gave me a half smile, nodded and disappeared, strange. I looked over at Edward to see if he saw her but no one did so I was careful of thinking about her. I don't know why, but I don't feel like she is a threat more like she's protecting someone, but who from her feelings wasn't Vincent, Victoria, or James?

I tried to feel her emotions again, but it was gone, I need to try and listen more. Maybe next time, I can sneak off and meet her.

Izzy pov.

Seeing Jasper see me made me a bit scared, not like I'm afraid it's just that I have been living in the shadow so long that it scared me that he saw me. I went back to the cottage I have been using. Isabella was safe, but I'm sure the vampire won't let her go so easily. Maybe I should have stayed to keep her safe.

I rushed to her house only to hear her scream at her dad that she was leaving and left in the car with Alice and Jasper. Edward was probably trying to track them down. I followed them for 2 hours. When they stopped at a hotel, I was outside I didn't want Jasper to feel my emotions. I stayed outside, and late at night, Isabella sneaked out without her vampire friend. What has the been loured into?

I followed her to a ballet studio. ' mom,' i hear her ask silently. they must have scared her to believe they have Renee. No wonder she snuck out alone. I stayed in the shadow when James came forward playing with his prayer. 'Isabella, I'm glad you could make it.'Where is my mom?' he laughed at her. ' I don't have your mom. That was a trick. ' He smiled wicked at her while rushing forward, and before he bit her, I knocked her out from the neck and started my fight with James. ' Now who is this?' I smiled, never taking the cape off me.

I didn't let James have more words in he was strong, and I could take him out easily with my power. I just didn't want to be revealed. I fought him for some time when Isabella woke up trying to help and it only made the matter worse as now Isabella fell and cut her arm and James lunged at her and bit her and my arm as I tried to stop him from biting her. I dragged him out away, letting him still have my hand in the mouth, pushing him into the mirror, making them all smash, and Isabella was on the ground, the venom slowly spreading.

I could feel Edward, Jasper, and Carlisle were on their way, so I made sure I hit James hard, making him fall over before I disepeare just as Edward rushed in. He was shocked James was on the ground, and Isabella was far away. Edward rushed for James and ended him hating that he had drunk some blood from Isabella. Carlisle went over to Isabella, and Jasper stood there looking over the scene before he felt the relieved emotion he looked over just as I jumped up in a tree and was gone. Now Jasper was sure that woman was protecting Isabella or someone in the Cullen. he changed his mind. still didn't want Edward to know.

'Edward, she was a bit. Someone needs to suck out the venom or let her change.' Carlisle spoke hard to Edward. ' I don't want her to be a monster. We need to suck out the Vemon.' Carlisle nodded, letting Edward come forward and suck it out it was difficult not to drink her.

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