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Jasper pov.

I was back, and I was welcomed back, Isabella hugged me. The others felt conflicted, but I ignored it. Alice tried to hug me and get all over me, but I held her back 'Alice, we are getting a divorce. I have sent the paper to our lawyer. If you don't sign it, your lawyer will sign it for you.' Alice stopped shocked, and her mouth dropped. She started to talk lovingly to me about she missed me and so on to change my mind, but I blocked her out.

'So how were your travels where did you go, who did you meet.' Isabella looked over and excited to her about my travels and I smiled back I couldn't tell about Lizzie and if I told her about the vulturine the others would be scared but maybe that's a good idea they will leave me alone. 'I travelled to Volturien and stayed there for a week before we went to Texas and stayed with peter until today when I got back here. I went clubbing and sightseeing it was a lot of fun.'

'Volturien?' Edward almost screamed. 'Yes, Aro and I had a lot in command Caius and I talked about war and Marcus and I was talking about books he showed me books he wrote and Jane, and Alec is nice people everyone calls them witch twins and they are alone a lot so I become their friend they are fun and Demetri and Felix they are okay they are nice acts like children sometimes it was fun annoying them and prank them. They are all nice people.' Now everyone was shocked. 'They almost killed us,' Alice screamed at me.

I looked over at Carlisle, trying to find his emotions he have been a king before, so he understood the rules better than anyone. He was conflicted as always. He's stupid favour kids always come first. ' I think they are nice they let me leave and we can not judge a person without knowing them' Isabella spoke up. 'You are correct Bella, they are the rulers of vampires that need to uphold the law. if they don't, the vampire world would be in chaos, and the vampire would be known and hunted like in the old age when they made vampire hunters hunt us even if some vampires were good drinking animals. I understand them, and I don't believe they were wrong they even set all of you free.'

Edward and Alice were angry. 'Are you on the enemy side' sighed? 'Right now, I'm on no one side simply friends with them they are nice people and not scared out of their thrones. we played board games all night and drank wine.' i was thinking of Lizzie, but the others weren't happy about my meeting with the kings. 'It sounds like fun.' Isabella smiled.

It was the day of the wedding. I haven't helped much unless Isabella asked the others were weary of me, and I didn't mind if they kept their space from me it was better. Alice tried for a week to make me change my mind about the divorce but was then forced to sign the papers. I was happy I made my studio into my room and used that a lot. I missed Lizzie and prayed she was fine. Edward and Isabella left after the wedding, and it was a nice day. I danced with Isabella once.

I talked to Peter and Charlotte on the phone 3 times a week. They told me about what was going on and even went to Canada to see their nephew in secret he didn't see them, but they got a picture and sent me he smiled and played football with some friends. I'm happy he's okay. Peter and Charlotte decided to stay a little in Canada travel and watch over him. I was okay with that as long as he doesn't know.

Everything was good until the house became tense. I went downstairs to find Isabella back and was sick. 'What's wrong?' 'Im pregnant, and Edward wants to kill it.' I took a fighting stance right away, protecting Isabella. Edward was mad. 'She can't keep that thing it will kill her.' 'No, the baby will be fine. You just have to turn her right after birth. The baby might be a hybrid human and vampire, so it will need blood.' Carlisle was now the one in between us. 'How do you know this?'

I was now shaken up. I can't tell about Danny. ' i have read a very old book a long time ago, about a hybrid that can eat and drink human food and blood it will grow up fast, but that is all I know. Isabella carrying a hybrid is dangerous but with the right care and the right netrusinace she will be fine and you need to turn her right after.' Carlisle nodded, writing the stuff down. 'You can't be serious.' i still protected isabella. 'Thank you, jasper.' i smiled. 'May I touch?' she nodded, and I let my hand fall to her stomach and felt a kick. I smiled and thought if Lizzie was doing this alone.

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