Texas 2

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peter pov.

it was so fun having Jasper back it was like he never left. Lizzie fit right in and was good company there has never been so much laughter in this house before and I enjoyed it a lot.

Lizzie was a beautiful, smart, nice and powerful woman and she might do big stuff in the future, something must be strange with the Cullens, Alice couldn't have been Jasper's mate they wouldn't have been able to be from each other for so long if they were mates. I loved how relaxed and Happy Jasper was he had never been so relaxed before. I'm glad they found each other.

Lizzie pov

Seeing Jasper, so at peace and happy was the best it made me happy. It made me not want to go back to Forks. I knew Isabella had graduated and had a party. I didn't mind not being there. I knew Alice had been sending a text to Jasper, and so have the rest of the family, but he ignores it, and he tells me the important stuff.

I have been feeling bad lately like I destroyed a family if only I never got seen or never went back, Isabella has the Cullen she would be fine. Looking up at the stars from the roof, I have been here for the past hour, just thinking for myself.

I probably need to go back soon. The worst part is that I don't want to, and it shocks me. Am I happier here, or is it something else? While deep in thought, I didn't see Jasper come over and lay beside me. 'Brings back memories' i looked over at him. I knew right away what he was talking about Stargazing had been something we both liked and had done a lot before we left Forks.

I smiled and looked at the stars again for maybe 15 minutes. We just lay there. 'What is wrong, Darling?' i ignored him for some minutes. I wasn't sure I wanted to tell. 'Im fine just relaxing' i tried but I know him better he feels emotions unless I block them off and he will know then that I'm feeling something I won't let him know so I started to think of happy memories and let my feelings of happiness surrender me.

Jasper has been quiet, maybe trying to get a feel of my emotions or just thinking. 'Bella and Edward are getting married.' 'I know.' 'I'm invited, and they want me back before the wedding, maybe to get along again. I don't know.' i still lay there in silence. ' I know,' then he turned to me. 'I think you need to go if not for them for yourself. Isabella would like it if you were there.' i still looked at the stars. 'You okay?'

I finally turned to him so we both looked into each other eyes. 'Yes,' it was a whisper so quiet. ' i have trouble feeling your emotions.' i looked at him strangely. Why is that. ' i haven't blocked them.' we looked at each other for some time. 'I can't get a feel of your emotions, but they are there. Tell me, Darling, what is wrong.' i just looked at him and smiled before I crawled closer, closing my eyes.

Jasper pov.

Getting up on the roof to Lizzie only to find her emotions swirling around. I lay down beside her, trying to get a read, but I couldn't she wasn't blocking them. I tried asking if she was fine, and still, her emotions swirled.

I didn't like this, so I tried to change the conversation to see if her emotions changed, but still, they did not. it freaked me out that her emotions swirled around, and I didn't get a read on it. I asked her, and she looked at me strangely.

She snuggles into me and I gladly accept I love to have her close but her emotions still wouldn't let me get a read on them now I know how Edwards feels that he can't use his gift on the one person he would like to use it. I looked at her she closed her eyes and snuggled into me.

Something was wrong. I knew it, but she wouldn't tell me. I could ask Peter if they know something. 'When are you leaving?' her voice came out so low that I almost didn't hear her. 'I don't know.' she looked up at me. ' Can you take care of Isabella?' Why would she ask me that? Wasn't she going to come with me?

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