meet the Cullen

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Isabella pov.

I think school was okay, it started fine and the classes went fast at the lunch room, I was introduced to the Cullens it was like they listened in on the conversation even when they were too far from listening in. Edward never took his eyes off of me, and it made me self-conscious.

I found out I had a class with Edward, and it was so awkward he held his breath and never took his eyes on me, I thought for a second that I smelled bad but didn't find the source. I tried getting the school over and done with it was so awkward, and I missed my sister.

when school was over, I drove home, and Dad wasn't home yet, I was thankful for that since dad can't cook how he survived so many years alone was a wonder. I cooked some food for me and dad and went to my room to finish my homework. Homework was easy. Lizzie always made sure I studied and was smart.

I started to think of the Cullen all of them had Golden eyes even when no one was blood-related Rosalie looked and acted like an bitch but I'm sure she has her reasons, Emmet looked like an overgrowth child that wanted to play all the time and to think that Rosalie and Emmet were together was strange but at the same time maybe they fit since they are so different.

Alice was short an overly happy person jumping around in expensive clothes she looked nice but something told me she had a reason for it all and Jasper looked sad and in pain, I almost felt bad for him he never took her eyes off the family around the table and almost looked pained just to sit there with an overly happy Alice by his side. they were also together, and maybe they fit, I don't know, but I think it's strange.

Then there was Edward he was like a predator. his eyes studied and followed and like he knew everyone's darkest secret, he was hot but scary. He didn't have a girlfriend, and some think he was gay. He is good-looking.

They all have something they are all pale, and they all have golden eyes. I'm sure they aren't normal.

A week after Edward was back to school like nothing happened and came to introduce himself his hand was ice cold, but I didn't flinch. I didn't want to let it show. After getting to know him, I found out that he is a vampire, and I'm going to confront him about it.

A week after I confronted him about it, we started dating. It was fun but frustrating as he never seemed to go further than small kisses. Today, I'm going to see them play baseball since it will be thunder.

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