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Aro pov.

Jane was late, really late they are always fast to get back. I didn't doubt them they are the best. I waited in the throne room with my brothers when she finally appeared. 'Ah Jane, we have been expecting you.' Jane smiled she looked happy they all did.

Jane walked up to me and let me see her memories, and there I saw that Cullen have taken down the newborn shocked by this not believing it I kept watching and there appeared Lizzie and showed her help in the fight together with the wolf they then went to clubbing annoying Demetri and Felix and had a good time, Lizzie was smiling having fun.

I smiled.' It looks like you guys have had fun.' they all nodded. 'How could they have fun on a mission.' Caius is fast to a conclusion as ever. 'Lizzie killed most of the newborn and went clubbing with Jane and them and had some fun, I saw Lizzie smiling big she doesn't smile much anymore.' I answered.'I never took my eyes off the elite guard they liked Lizzie. Only the Elite guard and Marcus, Caius and me know of her.

Caius shut up after that and gave a small smile at that the same did Marcus. We all wished her well and happiness no matter where she found it. She was dragged into this world unexpectedly and has changed our eyes a lot. Knowing her, she probably is playing as a watchdog over her sister, I hope she starts to look for her happiness soon.

Jasper pov.

After the fight and clean up, everyone started to question each other who that person was I knew but kept quiet Alice tried to see her in her vision, and Edward complained that he didn't get a read on her. 'She came out without us seeing or hearing her.' Carlisle tried to think neither of them knew of the person in the shadow looking out for us.

Alice thought through. 'Could it be that person who let us go from Volturien?' I smirked I knew she did that she showed me but no one knew, Edward can't read me anymore so I didn't care what I thought about I saw Isabella look over and I winked decree, letting her know to keep her mouth shut.

We need to try to find her. ' Why?' isabella's voice rang out. They all looked at her like she was stupid, but I also agreed.' I am also wondering why she has saved you all in Volturien as you said, and now she helped us win and save even Edwards's life. ' they all looked at her. ' How you know it's a she?' 'Seriously don't you see her figure?' That made them shut up again, thinking. 'I would like to know who that person is if she was able to save you from Volturien she may be bad news.' Carlisle never liked Volturien only since they drank human blood.

I needed to keep calm and show that I didn't care. ' She isn't a bad person.' Isabella said before thinking. ' And how you know' Edward didn't let that go, no he couldn't, stupid. ' She saved us again and again, and you think she's dangerous or bad news, we should be thankful for that person I know I will.' i smiled she didn't give anything out. ' I am too. I agree with Isabella. We should be thankful.' Isabella smiled at me. The others were not sure what to think, but for now, nodded, Edward and Alice couldn't let it go. They don't know what private life is.

after getting back, I went to the lake hoping to see Lizzie, but she never came, I started to worry did she get hurt? did she get taken? A lot of questions came around. I tried thinking about where she could be around Isabella. so I started to go look for her every place I knew she had been I looked. I didn't find her, so I went back to the lake and there she was.

Giving out and sighing. ' we need a better way to get in touch.' She looked at me curiously maybe for what I said. ' i looked for you all night.' ' Im sorry, I went clubbing with Jane before they left. ' Shocked Lizzie clubbing. I didn't see her as that person. she saw my face and sat on my lap and let her hand trail over my chest, and there it was, I saw her night playing having fun and joking with the Elite guard, even annoying them. She was something to get away with something like that.

When it was done, she got off me sat beside me and looked at the lake. 'I'm sorry, I worried you. I'm not used to having someone look after me. it's usually the other way around.' to think she usually was alone and the one protecting instead of being protected.

I let my hands trail over her while my face went to her neck sucking her skin. She always tastes so good. I could smell her lust coming. I could feel it she closed her eyes to enjoy it. I let one hand start to undress her slowly while kissing her body, and her breath hitched, and she don't even need to breathe. I loved how she reacted to me so fast.

I slowly let her down so she was laying while I took off my clothes it was so slow and sensual that we didn't have sex or fuck we made love tonight it was so much stronger than anything. I kissed her down her stomach arriving at her clit and kissing it before I blew, Lizzie moaned before I started to lick and suck her. She tasted like strawberry and Chocolate.

I sucked slowly and licked slowly to draw out her moans longer. She started to clutch telling me she was close. so I slowly put my finger on her clit makings a small circle while my tongue went inside her making her cum and drawing it out of her, she tasted so good. When she came to she was about to go down on me but I wouldn't let her.

I slowly made my way up kissing her everywhere before I reached her mouth when I kissed her it was so good and with so much love and passion. It was still slow and when I licked my tongue over her lip telling her to let me in she open her mouth and right as our thoung touched I pushed into her, letting her moan into my mouth.

We didn't fight for passion we just lay there and slowly made love to each other no words were needed, we might have kept going for 30 minutes before she couldn't hold back anymore. 'Jasper' she moaned in a whisper and that angelic voice made me cum right there and then saying her name over and over again. 'Lizzie, Lizzie. '

I didn't get out of her and she didn't push me off we just laid together giving small kisses and snuggling together. 'That' she tried to find words.' That was perfect, making love to you was the best thing I have ever done before.' Lizzie become embarrassed and tried to look the other way, but I didn't let her take her beautiful eyes off me. 'Lizzie it was beautiful I have never felt like this, I love you.' she smiled lovingly. 'I love you too Jasper.' she sounded so small and vulnerable and all I wanted was to take care of her.

One day I might lose this and it scared me I loved her I do, but when my mate or hers appeared, the thought was scary. We lay together both naked looking at the stars. 'Jasper, you have been gone for a while you need to go back.' he did not like that he did. 'Do I have to?' she laughed a little. 'yes you do.' I kissed her before we both started to get dressed, kissing her again before I left.

going back wasn't fun, I prefer staying with her and holding her, but fate never was nice to me was it? When I got home Alice looked furious, I tried sending calm to her it helped a little but not much. 'Jasper where have you been all night I have been searching for you my vision always showed you running around all night. ' I loved that her vision wasn't accurate. ' I needed to run off steam after fighting the newborn.' i didn't show emotions I wasn't happy here. good one. that came into my head and I smiled a little Alice must have seen it and thought it was for her.

Alice tried to be seductive and walked over pushing her small body into mine and I didn't like it, I didn't want her into me. 'Alice what are you doing?' i sounded uninterested to get her off me faster it didn't work. you might give in Jasper. no hell was I going to have sex with her after making love with Lizzie. 'Jasper I miss this we haven't had sex for so long come let's go play some.' i held in my emotions. 'Im sorry I don't feel like it' then I rushed to my office and sat down.

I don't want Alice I haven't for many years, and to think of her like that made me disgusted by myself. Thinking of Lizzie made me hard right away. Could Lizzie be my mate? only the future could tell. but I sure as hell wasn't going to fuck that pixie. Jasper, she might get on to you if you never give in. to think that she might be okay with this made me sad. I'm over the moon that you didn't especially after earlier but I don't want them to hurt you or find out something is wrong, I don't trust Alice or Edward I just want you safe. I could feel her emotions she meant it she was sad at the thought of me and Pixie together. I will never touch her body willingly again, I love you too much to do that. I could feel her smile and happiness. you might not have a choise dear. she was about to cut off the connection Darling I always have a choise then the connection was lost.

I smiled at the thought. She cared for me she did. She was willing to sacrifice her feelings for my safety, to think im this lucky is remarkable. She is a remarkable woman, I can't wait to see what the future brings, but I also couldn't be a bit scared. If she wasn't my mate, that meant someone else could come and take her from me.

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