Birthday Party

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Lizzie pov.

I was watching over Isabella as usual when I felt Jasper close by. I sent my feelings out, letting him find me if he wanted to. 'Lizzie.' Jasper sounded happy and not forced, and I was glad. 'Hello there,' i answered, still looking at the house Isabella lives in. 'Alice, plan a surprise birthday party for Isabella.' I laughed. Was she so stupid. ' Isabella doesn't like a party or celebrate her birthday we usually just spend time together till midnight running from everything and looking at the Star I always gave her a little thing, not too big she wouldn't accept if I did. Im sure Alice knows that she doesn't like a party and will only be awkward with her power.'

Jasper nodded.' I don't know why, but she said everyone needs a party and as usual, they follow her command.' I sat on the three just relaxing it was a comfortable silence. ' I might have some information soon, I know said something about Alice feeling the need for protection and taking your history The major your perfect as a bodyguard but it hasn't been confirmed yet or why she needs the protection if that is true just let me check up more.' he sat in thought, and I couldn't blame him.

It was a lot of new information I just gave Jasper, so I decided to try and hug him so he might relax a little, and he did. 'Thank you, Lizzie, I need to go get the party finished.'Good luck. Can you give her this?' I have a present to him for him to give. ' It's a charm bracelet, something we did when we were young. I think she would be happy to have something to remember me with.' Jasper smiled and rushed off while I looked as Edward came in his car to pick up Isabella.


I sat in a tree. Thankfully, the Cullens house has a lot of windows. I looked as if Isabella was rushed in with Edward and an overly happy Alice. 'Isabella, Happy birthday.' she looked over, unsure she hated her birthday. 'Thank you.' it was more like a question, making me almost laugh. Jasper could feel my smugness and gave a small smile. jasper walked to Isabella, ' Happy birthday Bella' he gave her the small present and she opened it and she was stunned in silent there was a charm bracelet just like she wished for before Lizzie disappeared and the little charm had a Heart with a circle around that was something Lizzie talked about a lot, Jasper felt her emotion from happiness to thankful to worry to relaxed she also had a tear running down but Edward pushed it away. ' You okay?' Isabella looked at Jasper, ignoring Edward. ' Thank you Jasper you have no idea what this means to me.' i could see the smile from Isabella but also Jasper, and that was enough for me.

Alice didn't like this. ' I didn't know you got her a present. I got something from us both.' 'yeah, it was the last minute.' Isabella took it on right away happier about the party. No one knew she had a sister or missed her only Jasper knew. Isabella opened Alice's present, and it was high heels. I could see her smile disappear before it was back. 'Thank you Alice it's nice.' Alice squealed, not understanding Isbaella's disappointment, and Jasper was now happy he gave the present first.

Isabella was about to open another when she cut her finger bleeding, and the sent rushed around the room. I knew Jasper could handle blood, but feeling blood lust from 6 other vampires might be difficult, so I sent over my emotions. I used my power and rushed calmly, safely, and with protectiveness. That was all Jasper needed it overclouded the other blood lust, but Edward had another plan he rushed forward pushing Isabella into the table and hurting her in the process making her bleed more and the blood lust rushed around the room more. I tried to change his emotions, but I wasn't in the same room as him, so it was difficult. Jasper's eyes turned black, and he rushed out of the house it was too strong for him.  

Edward was angry, and Alice was baffled Jasper rushed out. Emmet held Edward back, and Carlisle took Isabella with him to his office to take care of her wound. That was when I left. When I saw Isabella safe in the hands of Carlisle, he worked with humans daily, he could handle blood, and it looked like the others kept Edward away, even Alice.

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