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Aro pov.

I sat and had a serious conversation with my brothers. 'I thought we were family' Caius said with gritted teeth. 'She thinks of us as a family you saw it yourself, she is scared she had to get used to the vampire world alone and giving birth to a hybrid all alone, she gave him up because she overheard some other vampire talking about the old was with the Immortal child I can see her point, I'm more hurt she was forced to leave her child alone and travel alone.'

We all sat in silence we knew the elite guard was right outside listening in, but we didn't care they knew too. 'She is depressed and feels broken.' Marcus said with sadness. 'And it is our fault that she couldn't tell her family something like that, I saw the memories she was so scared she have been travelling alone for almost 4 years trying to find another hybrid.'

'Where is she?' Caius asked. 'she's in her room she wants to be alone.' We discussed everything Lizzie have been raped by a vampire we needed new law to let there be some kind of punishment unless it's consent. We discussed how to help her, she was so far in her dark thoughts it was scary.

We went over to her room to find a note. 'Im at the house.' that was all it said, we built a house year back with Lizzie to have a safe and relaxed place to go to. We decided to leave her alone for now. I was guilty I wished I could help her we all cared for her she was like a sister to us sometimes a mother even when we were older it was just her aura it screamed caretaker.

'Why didn't you let Jasper come with us?' Marcus asked me and I only looked down. 'She left them feeling guilty and anger for herself she had so much troubling her she wasn't ready to meet him, especially in front of the Cullen and I wanted her to breath a little she has been travelling without stopping.' 'is there anything we can do for her?' Cauius asked there was silence again all thinking about what to do with their Lizzie.

Jasper pov.

We walked all the way to volturien it took us two days to get halfway we didn't rush, ill let her have some time for herself and the kings. We stopped in an abandoned cottage and it was time to tell more about her. 'shall we get back to the conversation about Lizzie?' They all nodded.

I took out the picture she gave me and showed them. 'This is Danny Lewart he's Lizzie's son, she was raped by a vampire still human and before he tried to kill her she got pregnant she killed him right before she died, she suffered through the transformation alone and all she could care about was the child okay she learned the same day she was pregnant it was a shock for her since vampire can't has kids.

She ran away to the forest and found a small cottage and was there alone she stole a blood bag from the hospital and gave birth alone while being a vampire. newborn at that. She had so much to worry about she didn't know of the vampire world and was scared she saw how his son become two years only in one month I believe it was and she knew about her power she used hers to slow it down so he would grow at the normal rate then she left him with a couple that has taken care of him since he lives like a human. He sees his real mom when she visits he knows of vampire and that she her mom and why she left they are close but never see each other much as she keeps him safe she left him after listening in on a vampire conversation about an immortal child and got scared.

She was devastated but left him there, she travelled a little to meet the kings and become their friend even the elite guard but since she likes to be hidden for safety only the kings and elite guard know of her. She came to forks to watch over her sister she so rudely was forced to leave and that is how I meet her.' I looked over they all looked hurt.

'So the kings now know of this boy?' 'yes while showing the memories of Nahuel and his aunt she slipped and a picture of Danny came so Aro asked and after getting confirmed that he would be safe she showed her memories to them.' I looked over them all.

Benjamin looked at me then 'Why did she leave without goodbye or a hi after so long.' i let my head fall into my hands. 'It's because she feels hurt she bearly could look at me she probably only turned since she felt two new presence. She thinks that she destroyed my marriage.' Benjamin nodded at that. 'Then you two need to get that fixed if she has been struggling with this guilt for almost 4 years it destroys the person literally and missing her son to I believe she is broken and wishes for death as she says this is the only way out to leave and not do anything to regret again.' Garrett had said all that I was shocked but it made sense.

We sat in silence when her necklace started to burn so I took it off, and then laid it down everyone looked at it then it broke. 'Her scent is gone and I believe the power she once used to protect us with is also.' I looked at the necklace venom tears falling. 'What does this mean?' 'I can see her somehow my knower is.' Peter started to speak and stood up and concentrated. 'Her Power is slipping out if it all disappears she..' Now peter had venom tears falling. 'What?' i got impatient. 'Jasper, she's dying I didn't know a vampire could die like this she's dying she's losing herself to the darkness.' i didn't let him finish but I heard him I rushed off to Volturien.

The others were close by I didn't stop I rushed. We were finally in Volturien by the morning but I rushed forward we needed to get to the Volturien when I saw the castle I didn't let any guards stop me I rushed forward into the throne room where the kings sat with a trial. 'Where is she?' I screamed with venom tears. 'Calm down no need to worry.'

Aro walked forward he saw how scared I was so I let him see my thoughts and looked scared himself he turned to his brother. 'jane kill the person I have some other business to do.' Aro rushed out of the throne room to the forest Marcus and Caius followed and so did we. 'What happened brother.' marcus tried to calm Aro down. 'Lizzie is dying I don't know how but she's dying.' Marcus then suddenly rushed before all of us.

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