Cullens are back

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Lizzie pov

I rushed out of there before the others and went back to the forks. The others won't be here for 6 hours since there wasnt many planes scheduled to take off, I'm glad I rushed off. I believe Alice would call the others and tell them that they are on their back to Forks, meaning the others might be there now.

I don't care about them, tho I rushed for the lake and lay down in the only peaceful place. after an hour, Jasper was there and lay beside me, dragging me closer. I raised my hand and showed how Isabella was after they left. I showed him everything from Edward, leaving her in the forest to the plane rides back to Forks. He was shocked.

'I missed you.' i smiled at that since I had missed him back. since I showed him everything, he knew that Marcus was checking it up and that they knew of Alice and would try to check that up too. 'Im glad you're back.' i whispered back, just laying in his arm enjoying the silence. we sat there for 5 hours just enjoying each other before he left for home so that he was there when Alice, Edward and Isabella were back, they drove Isabella back home and she was forbidden to see Edward for weeks but Charlie doesn't know that he crawl in the window to be with her.

I was happy Jasper was back. Everything could go back to how it was, that was until I saw one vampire sneaking inside Isabella's room when she wasn't there and took a scarf with her scent, I didn't interfere since they would only send more people anyway, I started to think the only person that has trouble with Isabella is Victoria and the man was new so I guess Victoria is making an amry but would many go against the Cullens, no they wouldn't shes making a newborn army that is why so many have disappeared from cities close by.

I wanted to tell jasper this but I needed to wait I saw Edward freak out and dragged Isabella with him and drove to the Cullens's house and explained a vampire scent was in Isabella's room and Alice got a vision of a newborn army. I opened my mind to Jasper. 'Victoria is making a newborn army with the help of that man who went into her room.' That was all I said before I cut off the connection. 'Victoria must be making a newborn army. ' Jasper spoke out, trying to let the others know. ' I don't think so it wasn't Victoria it was a man.' 'but what if Victoria has that man working for her she knows us she must know you get vision, and Edward reads her mind.' Jasper tried again, and it was hot when he got all worked up, Jasper relaxed as he felt my emotion. He was amused I knew it.

'I don't know. I think I would see victoria if she's behind it.' Alice tried to win the last word, didn't she? ' It doesn't matter who started the army. We need to keep her safe.' Edward cut in trying to get them to go back to the team.

And so I watched as they planned. Isabella would stay with them. Alice would get permission from Charlie, and someone would go rounds on Charlie when he was home to check if he was alright. Then they started to plan to get help from the wolf since it's about civilians. So it would be easier if they could watch over Charlie and the Cullens over Isabella, and they needed to train.

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