Forty Five

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The vibrations of the train courses up my body, rattling my bones. The chug of the tracks thump in the ears, along with the low murmers of people chatting.

I have my feet resting on Louis' lap from where he sits opposite me, leaning closer into the table in order to hold my hand in his.

The white letter beads on my yellow bracelet glistens with the sun that beams harshly through the window, heat slacking my blue tshirt to my back. I'm pretty sure I have dark circles under my armpits and I'm too self conscious to raise them anywhere above my head.

I chew at my lip, flipping through Instagram, before settling on a Wattpad fic. Okay, this is a secret no one knows, not even Louis, but I'm a sucker for a good fanfic. At the moment it's one of Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf.

The silence between Louis and I is comfortable and isn't loud due to the other sounds washing the low ring of silence away.

I absentmindedly poke the tip of my tongue out in order to wet my dry lips. I forgot to bring my lip balm, so I'll have to make do with moistening them with what I've got. Would much prefer them moistening from Louis' lips, but not here, it's highly inappropriate.

"What you reading?" Louis' voice breaks the silence between us, cracking it like an eggshell.

It makes me jump, legs thumping against his knees, making him chuckle.

"Nothing," I mumble, more heat flushing my cheeks.

He shakes his head fondly. "From the way you're blushing at your phone, I'm guessing it can only be something good, or equally as dirty."

My ears warm too now, and I duck my head into my shoulder. "It's... stupid. Don't worry about it."

He squeezes my hand that's in his. "Haz, when do we ever keep things from each other now, hm?"

I sigh. "You'll think I'm stupid," I try.

He scoffs, shaking his head and leaning further back into his seat, the sun at this angle poking him in the eye, messy hair streaking with caramel as the sun almost bleaches it.

"Harold, I'll have you know that I think you're already stupid," he teases with a grin. "Nothing you do can make me think of you any different than I do now."

I roll my eyes. "It's a fanfic," I bumble.

He scoots a little further up his seat, seemingly intrigued. "Oh?" he questions.

"Between Stiles and Derek."

"Is it smutty? Do they have a kink where Derek is full werewolf and Stiles has to shag his furry arse?"

I bite my lip to stop me from giggling. "No! Well, yes it's got smut, but majority of the good fanfics normally do. No they don't have a kink where Derek is full werewolf, don't be so dirty."

Louis hums curiously. "I'll have to give it a read," he decides, finger to chin.

I shake my head.

Soon, the train stops and we file out with our rucksacks homing a few essentials.

My finger runs along my rings, biting the inside of my cheek whilst we walk up the stairs to get out the station.

Nerves and anxiety snake through my veins.

Louis squeezes my hand. "It's all going to be okay," he reassures. "You don't have to tell her if you don't want to."

"It's a bit unfair that your mum knows about me, but my own doesn't."

Lou shakes his head. "Not necessarily. You don't have to feel obligated to tell anyone unless you're ready. It's different because your mum has seen you grown up from a baby boy to here. I understand you don't want her to think of you any different. Do it on your own terms, yes?"

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