Twenty Eight

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I was so bloody scared that Liam and Niall would fall out, grab at each other's necks and cry demonic cries of defeat.

I was expecting arguments to be thrown around, Zayn being in the middle of it, him and Liam breaking up, Niall having to move dorms and us all being broken into tiny shards.

But instead, it couldn't be any more opposite.

After Niall spilt the beans to Liam, explaining how he kissed Zayn in order to see how he'd feel about it, Liam couldn't be anymore understanding.

"It's funny, because I would've done the same," he said when the three caught up with us the day of the park. "I'm just thankful you told me. I would've hated it if you kept that secret from me forever."

Niall was so relieved, we all were so relieved that Liam took it lightly. He knew that Zayn didn't reciprocate the kiss, and instead pushed Niall off of him. Which, I guess, made it easier for Liam to digest.

Yet, I still feel there's some awkwardness between them. I mean, knowing your best friend kissed your boyfriend, cannot be the easiest thing to just forgive and forget.

It's a Tuesday morning, the week after Niall spilled his guts. Marie and I are wandering toward the English block, essays tucked neatly in our folders, bags swinging from our shoulders.

I decided to wear a black polka dot shirt with some skinny jeans, as it's a little milder outside. I kind of wish I brought my jacket though, that's still at the dorm. Goosebumps creep up my arms and I force the shiver from escaping.

"H, you look as though Jack Frost has just taken you up the arse. You sure you don't want to use my scarf?" Marie asks, holding up her thick pink and black tartan scarf. It's so wide that you could wrap it around your shoulders like a blanket if you unfolded it.

I shake my head. "No thanks. I can survive the last three minutes to the English room." We enter the building, doors sliding open for us.

She shakes her head, amused. "If Louis caught you without a jacket, he'd have a stroke on the spot."

I roll my eyes, fingers absentmindedly fiddling with my rings. "Well good job he hasn't got lessons until the afternoon. Because he won't find out."

Louis never woke up this morning. He slept there in his bed, curled up with his teddy, snoring softly. No one had the heart to wake up. Well, Zayn was going to but I stopped him before he even laid a finger on the door handle.

We go into the lecture room, Taz sits at the back and spots us, waving enthusiastically toward us. I smile weakly, trudging up the steps and sliding into the chair beside her.

"Hey, guys! Did you finish the essay on Sir Gawain and The Green Knight?" she asks, taking out a typed out essay.

I nod, placing my handwritten essay onto the desk. I would've typed it, but I knew I'd get distracted on the Internet, and I also couldn't have the energy to walk to the library to print it out. I also find writing them by hand, makes more information go in.

Taz plays with her short hair, tipping her head upside and bringing her hair into a small ponytail.

She tuts. "Anyone got a spare hairband?" She checks her wrists which are only filled with a few beaded bracelets.

I pull the hairband from around my own wrist, giving it to her. She gives me a smile and ties her hair.

"So what's the tea in your lives?" she asks, leaning lazily back in her chair.

I shrug a shoulder. "Not much."

She pouts. "Exciting. Are you guys going to Marcus' party Saturday? It's at the new estate housing. Green Park, you heard of it?"

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum