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I've pretty much decided to avoid Louis at all costs. 

Yesterday he was in the kitchen and I went to make dinner but as soon as I saw him in there alone, pouring himself a bowl of coco pops, I just turned around and went back in my room. He was there in that fucking kitchen all bloody night, alone. Marie went to watch Liam and Zayn practice for lacrosse and then they went to a party afterwards, not coming back home after that. So I didn't eat last night because he was in there and I believe he was in there all night on purpose, pulling my strings to see what I'd do.

It's Thursday today and I have a lecture. 

I cannot be bothered to wake up but I know if I don't, Anne-Marie will be in here fighting me out the covers and pulling me by the hair to class. 

My phone vibrates along the bedside table with its alarm. I click it off, opening my eyes to the semi dark room. Yawning, I turn on the lamp and stretch, hearing my back pop a little and I throw the covers off of me, grabbing my towel and quickly walking to the bathroom, locking it shut behind me. Surprised no one is in here really.

I relieve my bladder and turn on the shower, stripping of my clothes and whilst I wait for the water to warm up, I brush my teeth. I see Louis' toothbrush and I have the urge to just toss it into the bin or dunk it into the toilet but I don't. Instead, I spit the toothpaste from my mouth and shove my toothbrush back into the pot, closing the cabinet and stepping into the warm shower.

I'm in no rush this morning, thankfully. It's seven and my lecture starts at nine so I have a little time to get ready. I scrub the shampoo into my hair, washing my body too and enjoy the warmth of the warm water beading down my skin. I close my eyes, water clumping into my eyelashes. 

I must've been standing under the water like that for about five minutes before there's a bang on the door, making me jump and slip. I go to lean against the shower curtain to only realise my mistake and I'm flopping out the bath tub, onto the floor with a slap. I groan, life flashing before my eyes as I went down. My side fucking hurts, throbbing and achy. I bite my lip and squeeze my eyes shut to stop the tears that threaten to come to play.

"You alright in there?" Louis shouts, banging on the door.

For God's sake, it's always him, isn't it. 

"What happened?" Zayn's voice filters through the door, mixing with the sound of the water's shh

"Dunno." Another bang on the door. "Marie, is it you? Or is it Harry?"

I stand, my left side screaming as I do and I shut off the water, wincing whilst grabbing my towel and wrapping it around me. I practically limp over to the bathroom door, unlocking it and opening it. 

Zayn gives me a concerned look, Louis just frowning. I brush past them both, walking into my room and closing the door.

I bite my fist as it's better than crying. I grip my side, looking down to see a huge red mark prickling with purple and black hues from a newly forming bruise, from my rib splodge down  toward my thigh. 

There's a soft knock on my door and Zayn's head pokes around the corner. He looks down at my skin and his mouth pulls down in a frown. 

"Poor baby," He mumbles, coming in. "What happened?"

"Louis made me jump and I slipped. I fell out the bloody bath, Z," I say, creeping red in my cheeks form the humiliation. 

He shakes his head. "You need ice on that. Wait there." He walks out to soon come in with a bag of frozen peas. Thank the Lord for Zayn's bloody peas. 

He lays it on the worst of the bruising area, making me hiss from the ice burning sensation. 

"You have class at nine, right?" He asks.

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