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Louis had a guy over last night.

This one was probably the loudest it's ever been, bed banging against the wall, moans and dirty talk being thrown around and bouncing off each crevice in the flat. I covered my ears with the pillow but that still did nothing to stop the sounds. 

They were at it for what felt like hours and I couldn't sleep after that. My eyes closed around four in the morning for me to be up at seven, meaning I only had like, three hours sleep tops last night.

I wander into the bathroom, my head throbbing with lack of sleep, eyes achy and itchy. I see the purple hues under my eyes and I scrub my face with cold water to try and wake myself up. I brush my teeth and go back into my room to slowly get changed, wanting to just crawl back into my bed and sleep through my lecture.

Not to mention I have photography club this afternoon. 

I slip on my skinny jeans and a mustard yellow knit jumper, shoving the green beanie Louis gave me onto my head because I cannot be fucked to do anything with it.

There's a frown on my face as I walk into the kitchen, perching on the stool once I grab some granola and make myself some instant coffee to help wake me up. Someone's door opens and out strolls the fucking stranger that was rather in Louis last night or had Louis in him. It makes my stomach churn and the granola that just hit it wanting to come back up again.

He smiles at me, reaching over and plucking an apple from the fruit bowl. My eyes narrow. I fucking bought those apples! The bloody cheek of it!

I would make a comment like 'are you gonna pay for that' but my anxious arse just stares and watches him take a bite before he slaps his lips together, waves goodbye and grabs his shoes before walking out the room.

Well. That's put me off my breakfast. I push the bowl away from me, downing most my coffee and choking on it when it goes down the wrong hole. Tears spring to my eyes and I try to gulp in air but my throat is just closed and trying to get the coffee to go down into my stomach.

"Slow the fuck down, H!" Marie's voice floats into my ear and she's slapping my back, helping to dislodge my throat.

I point to my mouth through the cough, saying, "Coffee went down the wrong hole." I take a breath of air and the coughing starts to disperse. 

I take another sip to try clear my throat and I heave for breath. She stops hitting my back, looking at me with a tilt of her head. 

"You alright? You look ill." She walks over to the cupboard and grabs some bagels, popping one in the toaster.

I nod. "I'm fine. Just didn't sleep last night because of Louis fuckin' Tomlinson." I shake my head, blood simmering.

She sighs, propping herself up onto the counter top. "Tell me about it. I had to borrow earplugs from Zayn and even then, it didn't stifle out shit." Her bagels pop back up and she kicks off the counter, grabbing them and slapping them onto her plate, scraping butter on top and some peanut butter.

"You don't think we need to do like, an intervention or some shit do you? We've told him time and time again and it's fucking annoying when he doesn't listen." I shake my head.

"He won't change," Zayn says, making me jump. When did he creep into the room? He walks over, flipping the kettle on and folding his arms over his chest, leaning against the counter, ankles crossed. "Been like it since he was like, fifteen."

"Has he never had a relationship?" Marie asks.

Zayn shrugs. "On and off for like a month but never something solid. It's just the way he goes. We did try talking him out of it before because it can't be healthy. He wasn't even scared when we told him that he could get STIs n shit. He just brushed it off and said he uses protection." 

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now