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I may actually consider murder at this point in time. 

I'm blaming Zayn fucking Malik for most of it though. It was his idea to go out every fucking night throughout freshers, dragging me along like a kid does their fucking teddy to every single club night. 

I swear I still haven't gotten past the drunken state of the first night, let alone last night's too. 

My whole body aches like one big bruise, head feeling dull and throbbing, mouth won't seem to pass the feeling of sand in the throat, scratching away at the muscle there whenever I swallow. I think I gained a few abs from the retching almost every night which caused my anxiety to spike. I'm one big radar of anxiety inducing shit right now. 

It's Monday I've been here for five days now. Five whole days of drinking every night until I can't stand on my own two feet, getting passed shot after shot and even though my stomach and liver scream at me not to take it, my brain screams out a big fat yes! Just to try and fit in.

Oh and not to fucking mention Louis coming home in the night with a new guy every time. It keeps me up at night. I can hear his and the other guys' moans filtering through the thin wall, headboard of the bed bashing against it. I'm surprised he hasn't broken the bed yet or at least made a hole in the wall from the impact. I cover my head with the pillow most nights but it still doesn't drown out the sounds. 

I hear a knock on my door and I grumble in response, burying my head further into the pillow, bringing the duvet up to my chin. 

The woosh of the door echoes around the silent room, footsteps padding into the room and a stinging sensation soon covers my arm from someone slapping me. 

"What?" I growl, peeling my eyes open that were quite literally stuck together from sleep dust. 

Blue eyes come into view, narrowing. Flamingo pink lips thinning. "Get your arse up before I drag you out to the landing myself," They say slowly, crossing their arms over themselves.

I roll my eyes, snapping my eyes shut again. "Sorry mum. I wanna sleep."

"Harry! First day of class starts in less than half an hour! I am not going to be of fault for your oversleeping! Get up. I don't want to walk to class alone." She slaps my arm again.

"Alright, A, give me a minute," I mumble.

"No. Now!" Marie's voice raises and I feel the cold hit my body when the duvet gets thrown off of my body, causing goosebumps to prickle at my skin.

I achingly get up, flipping her off and grabbing my towel and a pair of black skinny jeans, pairing it with a grey knit jumper. 

I trudge to the bathroom but as I go to turn the handle, the door doesn't budge open. I pound with my fist onto the door. 

"Just a minute!" Louis' voice calls from the other side, the sound of bristles scratching away at the surface of teeth continuing after.

I pound again. "Lou! I have class in like twenty minutes, I still have to walk there yet! Please, I need to shower!" I yell, thumping my forehead onto the wooden door.

There's a sound of the lock and the door opens and I have to steady myself when it does because the momentum of it and my head being on there, makes me almost lose my balance. Louis is standing there with his toothbrush shoved into him mouth, giving me a small smile. He motions with his head for me to come in.

I shake my head. "I am not showering when you're in here."

He shrugs. "Suit yourself but don't blame me when you're late to class." He walks back over to the sink, spitting the contents of his toothpaste into the basin and grabbing a bottle of mouthwash, cracking the lid open. 

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant