Forty Four

717 26 46

My heart rabbits and my palms are sweaty. I stare at the clock in the kitchen, the scent of toast wafting through the air.

Someone presses their hands into my shoulders, massaging them nicely, making my eyes flutter close.

"Calm yourself down, babe," Louis mutters into my ear.

I rub my nose with my index finger. "I can't. What if I fail?"

He shakes his head. "You won't! And if you do, my darling, then the worst that can happen is you retaking a year. You're not going to die from not passing. But I know for a fact you will pass, because you've done so well so far."

I take a deep breath in. "I just... I haven't studied as much as I should've done for this years exams. I was too caught up with kissing you."

He gasps dramatically, making me smile a little. "How dare you put the blame on me, young lady."

I giggle into my hand, pressing my forehead into the counter below, enjoying the cool granite to seep into my skin.

"Come on, H. You'll be great." I feel his warm lips press to my jaw, making me shiver.

"You ready for our doom?" Marie calls as she walks into the room. She has some high waist shorts on and a green crop top, a white cardigan floating down to her knees.

I groan into the island top. "Go on without me. I'll probably throw up before I even get into the hall."

She sighs, perching in the chair beside me. "Harry. We've got this, yeah? We can literally just wing it and will still get marks."

"I'll fail!" I insist, pinching at my bare knee.

Louis pulls my hands into his, steering my fingers away from my own skin.

"Babe. You're going to be fine," he mutters, tucking some hair behind my ear.

I sigh heavily. "I'll go, but I'll pass out before I get there."

He rolls his eyes. "Fuckin' hell, H, you're so dramatic."

I grin up at him when I see a smile on his face. Marie sips on some of her water before shoving it into the sink.

"Come on, H, if we want to get there on time." She pats my shoulder as she walks past.

I swirl the blue bracelet around my wrist whilst I hop off the stool and go to grab my shoes.

"Hey, Harry!" Louis calls and I turn my head to look at him staring down. "Loving the shorts, Babycakes, it brings out the plumpness of your arse."

I flush red, flipping him off. My outfit today is nothing special. Just some denim high waisted shorts that reach to my thighs and a yellow oversized tshirt that almost covers the shorts, making me almost look like I'm half naked. But I have no time to change, and I'm not particularly caring on what I'm wearing as the exam I'm about to walk into will be my death.

Lou blows kisses our way as we walk out the flat, closing the door behind us. Marie links her arm in mine, and together, we wander off to the lecture halls. My heart continues to thump, legs feeling like jelly as the nerves consume me.


My leg bounces as I scribble away at my paper, Charles Dickens book propped open for me to find the phrases needed for my essay. This exam is thirty percent of our final grade when we get to our last year, so it's quite an important one.

And it's fucking difficult.

I'm practically making it up as I go along, and the harsh lights of the room makes my head throb further. I glance up to where Marie is a table away opposite me, her pink hair sprawled around her shoulders and flopping onto the table as she continues writing.

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang