Twenty Six

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I stomp my way into Zayn's room—pink socked feet padding against the hardwood— him looking up with alarm before his shoulders slump, noticing it's just me. I flop onto his bed, head burying into his arm.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he asks, trying to pry me away.

I huff. "Lou's gone out. He left me behind. 'M bored," I say, voice muffled by his blue jumper arm.

He pats my curls. "Then go with him. I have to be at Niall and Liam's in ten, we are doing lacrosse practice. Want to come?"

I think for a moment, then realise it's like three degrees outside and I'm not really wanting to freeze my four tits off for that. I shake my head. "No thanks, cold weather will make my asthma worse than it already is."

He hums. "I'm sure it'll pass soon, mate, I know it's a bummer that it's come back for a while. Just keep safe, yeah?"

I nod into his arm. "Yeah."

He pats my cheek, sliding out from beneath me. "Right, I'm going to go see the boys, and hope that Liam will give me a little something before the game."

"Did not need to know that. Are you two official, then?" I ponder, sitting up right to look at him whilst he searches his wardrobe for his gym bag.

He raises an eyebrow. "Harry, me and him have been together for a while. We just don't really like to make it known."


"Because we don't want the unwanted attention on us." He sighs, turning back to look at me. "We were bullied in secondary school."

"You've been together that long?" Wow. I didn't even know, I could've sworn Louis said they weren't official and were just crushing deeply over each other.

Zayn shakes his head. "No, but we were crushing back then. We got together end year of college."

I coo. "You two are so cute, wish me and Lou had that." My eyes widen. "Did... I just say that out loud?"

Zayn chuckles, shaking his head side to side. "Yeah, you did. And you called me the cute one. Ask him, H, it'll do you both some good."

"How on earth, am I supposed to just be like 'hey will you be my boyfriend because you're on my mind twenty four seven and I miss you when you're gone, and your kisses make me shiver?'" I flop my head into his pillows. "It's too hard, too scary."

Zayn zips open his gym bag, tossing in his hoodie. "I say, do it just like that. Make a cute little date somewhere, could even be at home, and ask him."

"What do you impose is a 'cute little date'?"

He shrugs, purses his lips. "Hmm... maybe cuddle up on the sofa with his favourite movie and favourite food, make it all cosy with candles and fairy lights and shit. 'S what Liam went to do for me, but I asked him when we were down at the lake back home before he could. It was when the ducks had their ducklings and we just came back from swimming in the leisure centre next door. The sun was setting and drips of water were just falling out of his hair and down his neck, glinting in the light."

"You sound so poetic," I tease with a grin.

He swats me away. "I realised then," he continues, "that he was the one I wanted to be with. And so, I took his hand and asked him straight up. Of course, he was pissed at me for asking when he just planned this whole date to ask me, but he said yes and it was amazing. We had the movies and food afterwards, as boyfriends."

I pout, batting my eyelashes. "Such an adorable little boy."

He rolls his eyes. "Fuck off. I'm going now, I'll see you later." He waves and I see him out the door.

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now