Thirty Five

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Hands caress down my bare tummy, thumbs pressing into my hips that it causes them to rut up on their own accord.

My heart thrums. Cushioned lips dance with mine, tongue sliding through and hitting my teeth before finding my tongue and slotting theirs between mine.

A hand finds its way down to my cock, pumping it slowly, my dick throbing and wanting more, making me groan against the pillow.

Lube squirts out the bottle and the cool liquid presses against my hole, a squeak leaving my lips at the sensation. A finger finds its way into me, slowly moving in and out before inserting a second one.

Before I can say that I want more, there's a pleasant pain pushing into me, skin flushed against skin.

My hair gets pulled back, fingers carding into my scalp and pulling, making a low moan to rip from me, all sensations tingling my toes to my fingertips.

"Lou, please," I mumble, eyes fluttering shut. He pounds back into me gently, making my thighs shake.

"So gorgeous, baby, I love you," he coos.

I grunt, lips parting. "I love you, too."

The sound of my own fucking moan, causes me to jolt awake.

Oh my God.

I gaze over to the left side of the bed to see Louis deeply in sleep, mouth parted against the pillow, drawl seeping into the cotton. His hair is all disheveled from sleeping, the covers half off his body so that his tanned skin of his back and arms are visible. His eyelashes brush delicately against his cheeks and he looks adorable right now.

I feel discomfort down... there, and I look down to see a full on boner tenting my boxers.

Shame and guilt washes through me. I just had a dirty dream about Louis and I feel so humiliated within myself that I just want to claw out of my own skin.

My boner begins to ache painfully and I shuffle to sit upright. Tears prickle my vision at the embarrassment and guilt, angry at myself for my brain to muster that dream up.

I quietly slide out the bed, practically waddling out the room, the door creaking a little. I rush to the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I try to occupy my mind in order for my little issue to calm down, but instead my brain decides to continue with reeling the dream through my mind, making my boner that much worse.

I rub my eyes, side of my fingers coming back damp.

My hand slides guiltily beneath the waistband of my underwear, stroking my hard on. Tears escape through my eyes as I begin to masterbate into my hand. Soon I'm releasing and I quickly shuck off my pants and chuck them in the laundry bin.

I take a quick wash, shame itching my skin. I have the impulse to scratch fiercely at my skin until it will run raw.

But instead I take a deep breath in to try compose myself. I do my best not to look in the mirror. Not when I'm fully naked right now.

I turn to the door, opening it a crack to see if anyone is out or awake—though it's only three in the morning.

When the coast is clear I sneak back into Louis' room where I was sleeping before, him still sound asleep in the bed, back now pressed against the wall.

I open his draw as slowly and silently as I can, the wheels squeaking against the wood. I feel around, not being able to see anything besides a few shapes in the shadows. I feel the soft cotton and elastic band of his jogger bottoms, so I decide that'll do.

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now