Twenty One

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I was let out the hospital the following day. The others came to visit and they were so protective and coddling it felt like I couldn't breathe. But it was nice because, you know, having your loved ones around you is great.

I'm just glad I didn't die.

It's gotten me fearing death slightly more but you know, what's more anxiety to pile on top of the amount I have already?

Louis took me home last night and we cuddled on the sofa. I now have to use my inhaler more, like I used to when I was younger which is a pain in the arse but, hey, at least it stops me from having difficulty breathing.

I take a puff from the thing whilst I'm bending down to hang a red glass bauble on the lower branches of the four foot Christmas tree we have in the front room. Louis insisted on us putting it up before we leave for holidays. Which is just over three weeks away so I don't know what the rush is.

Kelly Clarkson's Underneath the Tree plays from the stereo whilst we decorate the thing, baubles in the box clinking together whenever they roll around, assorted in reds and golds.

"Who's fucking idea was it to put the lights in the box like this?" Louis mutters to himself, shaking the knotted ball of lights, a trail of lights that are free from the knot, clatter on the floor with the movements. He tuts, shaking his head. "Fucking ridiculous."

"You did," Zayn points out, coming into the room with a hot chocolate for Louis and I. "I'm going to lacrosse practice. Would anyone like to join?"

Louis shakes his head. "Too cold."

Marie sits up from the sofa, groaning a little at the movement. "I will, it's fun watching fit guys running around all sweaty. Bloody better than seeing Louis trying to sort out those bleeding lights. It's painful watching."

Zayn nods. "Alright. Lemme get my kit and we can go."

They leave the room with a wave goodbye and I grab the star.

"You want to put the star on?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "You can. What time is Gemma coming over?"

I shrug, checking the time on my phone that sits beside the hot chocolate. I pick up the mug taking a sip and it's velvety on the tongue. I don't know how Zayn manages to make the best hot chocolate but here we are.

"She left London like twenty minutes ago, she should be soon, I suppose." I grin, looking over at Louis. "I am so excited! Mum has no clue! She knows Gemma's coming over for the day but she thinks we're going Christmas shopping for Gemma's new boyfriend."

Louis giggles, sipping on his hot chocolate whilst I bring the star onto the top of the Christmas tree.

"Amazing," He says, nodding toward the tree. "It's a little crooked, push it to the left a bit. No, that's the right, love. Yeah, okay yeah, that's better." He smiles at me, setting his cup down and I shake my head, giving him a kiss on the cheek because I'm allowed to now.

A knock on the door breaks the semi silence and I rush to the door, opening it and squeal, hugging her close.

"I've missed you!" I drawl out, stepping back and allowing her inside.

"Missed you too, baby brother. Woah, love what you've done to the place... Who's the Christmas addict?" She asks, looking at the decorations that sit on every crevice of every wall and ceiling.

"Me!" Louis shouts, poking his head out from the front room, giving a smile, the lights still in his hands. "Can't get enough of it."

Gemma rolls her eyes, shucking off her coat and hanging it up before walking over into the front room, shoes still on. "Of course it's you. How've you been?" She asks, giving him a quick hug too.

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