Forty Three

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Small hands cling to my leg as I try to walk toward the door.

"Nooo, don't go!" Phoebe persists, trying with all her might to stay routed on the floor.

Louis sighs, prying her hands away from my leg. "Phoebs he's literally coming back this afternoon. We are meeting with Niall and Zayn and Liam at the shops for a bit, okay?"

Phoebe frowns, blows her hair out from her face when it flops into her eyes. "Promise we can play Uno when you get back, Harry?" she asks.

I give a nod. "Of course we will," I reply, zipping up my Chelsea boots. I look in the mirror to sort my hair out and brush a bit of red lint from my purple crop top.

Her eyes light up instantly and she springs off the floor. "I like Harry, Louis," she says in a loud whisper. "Does this make him our brother?" she ponders, making my heart melt.

He smiles softly at her and brushes her hair back. He gives a nod, looking to me then back to her. "Yeah, I guess it does make them your brother. Now go on, get, before Mum moans about how you haven't tidied your room yet."

She groans at the thought and waves goodbye.

Louis turns to me, blue eyes soft, smile easy. "They really love you."

"I've always wanted younger siblings," I admit, pecking him on the jaw. "Guess I'm part of the family?"

He shakes his head. "Harry, you've always been a part of our family."

I blush pink at that and he holds my hands in his, tracing the two yellow and blue bracelets on my wrist. He kisses my knuckles and let's my hands fall to my side.

"Come on, we better get going." He fishes his keys from his pocket.

"Can I drive?" I ponder.

He quirks a brow. "Are you sure you're confident enough? It's different to driving around the block. There's roundabouts involved."

I gasp dramatically. "Be damned of the roundabouts," I exasperate. I roll my eyes, taking the keys. "Just tell me went to floor it and we will be fine."

"Jesus, save me now," he mutters, following me out the house.

"Now you know how it feels before we have to stomach anything you cook," I quip back, running out the way and squealing when he chases me.

He catches up to me as I'm about to open the driver's door, slapping me on the bum making me yelp.

"Can I just say that your legs look amazing in those flares," he compliments as he straps himself into the passenger seat.

I giggle, tucking my head into my shoulder. I look down to my flared trousers which are black, covered in blue polka dots.

"Maybe you should wear some. Might make you look taller," I tease, earning a slap on the arm playfully. "'M getting abused!"

He gasps. "Shut it, Curly, I could never abuse you."

"You slapped my arse then my arm!"

"Maybe it's just a kink." He gives me a wink and I snort, driving onto the block.

"Oh my God took you guys long enough, what were you doing, doggying in the back of the car?" Niall asks when we meet up with them in the town plaza.

Marie laughs but swings her arms around me. I hug her back, brushing her hair out from her jacket.

"Next time, we will invite you to come watch," Louis says to Niall, ruffling his hair.

Niall shoves him jokingly, shaking his head but a grin stays perminent on his face.

Zayn puts out his cigarette and walks in hand with Liam toward us. "Vas happening?"

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now