Twenty Nine

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"C'mon, Curly," Louis whines through the door, knocking on it continously.

I stare at myself in the fogged up mirror, shaking my head, chewing my lip. "I'm not going."

I hear a huff. "I can easily unlock the door from out here, don't make me, Harry!"

I ignore him, breathing in the steam from the shower that I've previously had. I look down at my attire. That bleeding skirt, the baby blue crop top.

Don't get me wrong, I do like it. Like, alot, it's comfy as well. But it's just- it's just that people will bound to judge me, and I'm not wanting that. Not now, not ever.

I hear a click and the door creaks open. Louis stands in the doorway, hand on his hip. He wears a cute tight white button up shirt with little yellow daisies dotting here and there, accompanied with some black skinny jeans. "You are going to go down those stairs, across the car park, into that darn car, and we are taking you to that party."

I huff. "I look like a clown."

"You look fucking gorgeous, like a fucking princess, H," he snaps back, grabbing my waist and pulling me to him.

Something about him calling ms a princess brings butterflies in my stomach.

"You look pretty as ever," he mumbles into my ear, kissing my jaw.

I lean my head into his shoulder. "I don't want to be made fun of."

"You won't! People are going to love you. They already do. Come on, Zayn is waiting to take us, Niall and Liam will meet us there."

I nod slowly, taking one last look in the small mirror. "Fine," I decide, allowing him to lace his fingers with mine and drag me out the humid room, and into the cool air outside down the stairs.

Zayn is leaning against the car, blowing smoke from his lips, tapping the end of his cigarette. Marie is bouncing on the spot from the cold, wearing a red leather skirt and matching leather jacket over the top of her black boob tube.

"Took you bloody long enough! Freezing my tits here," she says, shaking her head. She clambers into the car once Zayn has unlocked it.

"Why didn't you just wait in the car?" Louis asks, sliding into the back with me. He squeezes my hand reassuringly.

"Zayn didn't unlock it," Marie grumbles, changing the station over.

"Didn't think of doing so, to be honest," Zayn mutters, pulling out of the spot.

I watch the street lights blur through the window, the night sky clouded over which is probably why it's so chilly. I'm pretty sure they forecast showers, but I'm not too sure.

We make it to the lake house. Its beautiful. There's houses upon houses lined neatly in a row from each other, each one painted delicately in a layer of dark blue paint. The rooves are grey, and there's small windows peppering the perimeter of the walls. At the front of Marcus' house is an oak tree, a few branches beginning to bud with closed blossom. Beneath it are snowdrops, their petals looking as though they were actually dipped in snow— probably why they're named snowdrops.

The music is already loud, and there's probably about a hundred uni students here already. There's lights beaming up into the sky in blue and red, striping over each other every so often.

Liam and Niall wave at us from the porch, stepping down the step and clapping us all on the back.

"This is gonna be sick," Niall announces, leading us inside and toward what I'm guessing is the living room where the drinks table is.

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now