Thirty Six

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"Harold," Louis sing-songs cautiously, head flopping onto my shoulder as I sit at my desk, writing away for an assignment due in in a few days time.

I won't admit that I've been procrastinating with Lou a lot, making out with him whenever we can instead of doing the work. I mean, who could blame me?

After I told him about the whole dream fiasco a few weeks ago, I've been a little more open, and with it, we've enjoyed a few... activities, shall we say, together.

"What," I groan back, pen stilling for a moment, waiting for him to continue. He begins massaging his fingers into my scalp, a tingly sensation cascading down my body, tickling my skin.

"I have a question to ask you."

"I'm not marrying you, yet, Lou," I tease and he flicks my forehead with his finger.

"Not that, dumbo. I was talking to my mum earlier. She wants to know if you'd like to come stay with us this weekend at mine, meet the girls. They're all excited to see you, and not just through a screen."

My heart stills. His family want to meet me? What if I make a right fool of myself in front of them? What if they don't like me in real life and refuse me to see Lou ever again?

Louis' small hands takes my face, pulling my head toward him to grab my attention. My eyes meet his. God the sun is casting specks of gold to flitter in his irises, mixing with the deep blue. I can't get enough of them, I want to tattoo them behind my eyelids to see forever.

"H, still that bloody reel of a brain of yours." He gives me a stern look, making me want to squirm. "They're already in love with you. Daisy always asks when we are going to meet you. Even Mum has been asking of you every time we text!"

I let out a deep breath, nodding slowly, cheeks squished against his palms now. "Okay," I mumble through the gap, wiggling away from his grasp. "When we leaving?"

Louis breaks out into a grin, pats my head. "In about... five ish hours? So you better get packing."

My eyes widen. "P-t- Lou! I haven't even finished my assignment! How am I going to concentrate now, knowing you're taking me to see your family?" I splutter, shaking my head and abandoning my essay.

Louis giggles. "Haz, calm yourself down. It's why I chose us to get there for dinner, and not this morning, so you can have time doing your essay beforehand."

I take a few deep breaths, turning back to my notebook. "Fine," I grumble. "But you can pack for me whilst I get this done."


I point a warning finger his way. "And please don't try to be funny, for Christ's sake, Louis. Don't try any of your tricks and games."

"Whatever do you mean?" he asks innocently, batting his eyelashes, fingers linked behind his back.

My eyes narrow, jaw set. "You know what I mean. No thongs being snuck into that bag, alright?"

He sighs, defeated. "I wanna see you in one though," he whines, pout on his pretty little face, making him look five years younger.

I shake my head, curls chafing against my shoulders. "Nope. Maybe one day, but not now, especially at your parents' house!"

He swings his hands up in surrender, before dragging the duffel bag I have from under my bed, beginning to pack hoodies, tshirts and other items into the bag.

I turn my attention back to my paper, lowering myself down fully onto the chair. My pen tap, tap, taps against the lines, lips pursed in thought. My brain has gone a little fuzzy, majority of it reeling scenarios of tonight, instead of the stylistic choices placed inside the passage we have to read. I won't admit that I don't actually understand the majority of it, but hopefully if I get something written down, that it'll give me brownie points.

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now