Thirty Three

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I sit in the car, hands playing with my rings, humming a tune under my breath whilst I watch people come in and out of the long stretch of building that's mostly made of glass.

Louis' been in there for about half an hour now. And although it's not me going in there, I still feel a slight anxious pull along my veins. It seems like an intimidating place to be, letting your problems lay out on the table for the receiving end to judge. It puts my teeth on edge just thinking about it.

The window rattles and I startle, body jolting and I snap my head up to see the intruder. I shake my head at the blue eyes staring at me, opening the door in order to talk to him as the engine is off, so the window won't go down.

"You need a bell," I state, chewing at my nail.

Louis bites his lip, gives a weak smile. "Bonnie wants to meet you."

Bonnie is Louis' second therapist that he's been referred to since his previous therapist went on maternity leave and never returned. They've been on a few sessions now, and I'm proud of Louis for going even when he didn't want to.

I quirk a brow. "Really? Why? Oh God, what have I done? Is she going to advice me to leave you so you can get better or something? Oh shit am I going to get into trouble?"

Louis places a hand on my shoulder. "Shut up, Curly, it's not like that. She just wants to meet you because you're all I've been talking about."

I blush at that. I for a moment, watch the way the sun highlights his hair in some caramel like streaks atop his head. I finally cave in, nodding and unbuckling my seat belt.

"Can't believe you sat in the car for God knows how long, with your seat belt still on." He laces his hand in mine whilst we walk to the front entrance.

I sheepishly look to my feet. "You never know, could've gone through the windowshield if someone smashed up from behind."

"In a car park, where someone is parked behind our car?" he questions.

"It's a reasonable point!" I argue back, making him giggle into the back of his hand.

I look around me to see white walls plastered with inspirational quotes. The floor is grey carpeted, so it stifles our footsteps.

We enter through a cherry red door, and the interior changes completely. The walls are a warm beige, the carpet a mushroom grey, with a little rainbow rug in the middle. The desk is oak, and on the opposite side are some purple bean bags, as well as a squishy looking sofa. There's throw pillows scattering the floor alongside the sofa so I can only guess Louis' kicked them off previously.

My suspicions have been answered when he crashes into the sofa, plucking up a pillow with a print of daffodils on the front, hugging it close to his chest.

He motions with his head toward me where I'm still by the door nervously. "Bon, Haz, Haz, Bon." He closes his eyes, letting out a huge sigh.

I give a small wave, awkwardly standing by the door still.

Bonnie is pretty to say the least. She has bronze coloured skin, her hair dipped with baby blue highlights to match her shirt. Her brown eyes gaze into mine kindly, and she gestures with a small hand to the sofa.

"Take a seat, Harry," she says, voice like honey.

I shuffle into the room, Louis not moving his legs so I slowly lower into one of the bean bags, the beans adjusting beneath my weight so I'm practically just on the floor anyway. I look over to Louis who is giggling quietly into his pillow. I flip him off.

Bonnie clears her throat. "So, Harry, how are you?"

"I er..." I look over to Louis. His eyes are soft, gentle, and he gives a small nod of encouragement. "I'm okay, I guess."

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now